I realized that I had not posted here since September. Sinner! I know. There really isn't too much to report. First off I was sworn in as an attorney two weeks ago, I have a corneal melt on my eyeball, and I am waddling like a duck today because I'm sorry from my 5 mile run on MONDAY! Monday! I mean really...I wasn't THAT sore yesterday but today you decide to be sore. Weird.
Speaking of weird. I had to chat online with the Comcast people today and the person helping me was "Francis". That's kind of a gender neutral name. So I ended our conversation with "Thanks sir!" Then I realized that "Sir" might be "Ma'am". I mean really with Francis you never know! So I quickly tried to correct it with "ma'am?". Francis did not respond for a bit and talked about other things. But right before we ended he/she said "I'm in between sir and ma'am". Uh what? So of course I got all sorts of different ideas as to what THAT could mean. I asked Francis what that meant and they never answered. Rude.
Ok last thing is my "Things That Must Stay" list. So here we go.
#1: The snow. I know loads of you are going to hate me for saying this but I'm stoked for the snow. Jen and I are going to try out snowshoeing. So depending on how that goes I might be on the "boo snow" bandwagon if the snowshoeing doesn't pan out.
#2: Jenny. Really I've loved hanging out with this girl again. She's a good time. Church and activities wouldn't be the same with out her.
#3: Larsipan. My day is not complete without hearing from her at least once during the day.
#4: Apple cider!! Yup even my "gross" (I don't think its gross but some people do) sugar-free cider makes me incredibly happy and warm.
#5: This picture. I love it. He didn't know how to use the camera.
#6: Living in the middle of two condos! I haven't had to turn the heat on once, even today with the snow! My neighbors keep me warm. :)
#7: Going to work at 7:30 this morning. I know that's weird coming from me the late sleeper person but really I'm glad because then I can be done at 1:00 and still get in about 6 hours of work. Woot! (Yes I'm still lame part time).
#8: Eleanor's Bake Shop and Janelle's kids. Eleanor's is my friend's family bakery and they do gluten free things. My not having a gluten problem still loves it. I love when I am weak and buy a cupcake there and Janelle's kids are there as well. I usually end up eating about 1/4 of the cupcake and the rest I give to Oliver. Keeps the calories down. Thanks Oliver! Which by the way I am including the BEST picture of him to go along with this. Really its just awesome. He was not happy on Saturday night. Ok I think that's it. Peace out everyone!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
What Constitutes Someone as a "Runner"?
I was thinking about this question while on my run this afternoon. So what does make someone a runner? Someone who runs 20 miles a week? Someone who runs marathons? Has all the running gadgets? I don't think so. I think a runner is someone who loves the feel of the pavement under their feet. It doesn't matter if you run one minute or one hour. A runner is someone who will get out and hit the road in rain, snow or blistering heat. If you have to walk during your run it doesn't matter you are a runner. So dang it! I'm a runner! I might not look like one but I am. A runner is someone who loves the sport and all they need are some running shoes and open road. I love it! So those of you that think you can't run or you aren't a runner believe me you are and you can do it.
I also wanted to do a confessions of a runner:
#1: I HATE running while I am doing it, yet love it at the end when the endorphins show up.
#2: If I see an attractive guy I will run faster until I pass him.
#3: I don't care how unattractive I look with the belly hanging out and flopping all over at least I'm out there.
#4: I love playing AC/DC and pretending I'm Ironman.
#5: I'm not afraid to use my t-shirt as a tissue during a run.
#6: I only wash my running clothes once a week.
#7: I really want to do this race.
Well all I'm out! Enjoy!
Saturday, September 11, 2010
A few thoughts on 9/11...take it as you will
Since this is September 11 I have been thinking about what happened on this day 9 years ago. I am going to divide my musings into two thoughts. The first being my thoughts on that day and where I was and the second on my thoughts today about it.
On September 11, 2001 I was going to school at Snow College in Ephraim, Utah. I had graduated from high school earlier in the year and was excited about college. I remember waking that day not really thinking anything but recalling a conversation I had with my friend Carri in her room the night before. We were talking about be prepared for either the end of the world or the end of our life. Were we prepared to meet our maker when that time came? I think all freshman at some point take that spiritual step. Either to keep the teachings we have been taught since we were little or to venture off on our own and explore new avenues. I recall thinking which step I was going to take...and I had decided the night before to stick to what I believed and grew up believing. I walked to my first class of the day psychology. Before class started I heard people say things like "did you hear what happened in New York?" "There was a plane crash." I didn't think much about it. Because at that time in my life New York seemed like such a far away place and a bit of a fantasy. Somewhere I wanted to visit but figured I wouldn't do for a while. (I'm yet to visit NYC to this day). My professor at that time had not heard about the news either so class carried on like normal. Class ended and I quickly went to my next class. I entered my English 2010 class and my professor entered quickly and said "there has been an attack on America. I am canceling class. Please go home and call your loved ones just to tell them you love them." And he left. I walked back to my apartment quickly and my roommates already had the television on. I walked in the door just in time to see the second plane fly into the second building. I don't recall much after that. I remember sitting there with my roommates watching the tv well into the late afternoon. I remember that the normally busy and rowdy college town was unusually quiet. We received a phone call from our bishop telling us that Pres. Hinckely was giving a talk that night and all of my roommates went. Including one who had decided to take their spiritual path away from the LDS church. I don't remember what Pres. Hinckely said but I remember going over that conversation I had had with Carri over and over in my head. I consider two events in my life that really woke me up in regards to my spirituality. The first was when I was a sophomore at Hunter High School. On April 20, 1999 two kids opened fire on their classmates at Columbine High School in Colorado. I remember reading a story about a girl who was killed because one of the shooters asked her to deny God. She would not do it and he shot her. My very first thought that if it was me I would have denied. That was a huge moment for me. Would I really? Could I really deny? Eventually my answer changed I wouldn't deny God. That carried me through until that moment when I sat in the chapel remembering what I had talked to Carri about. How could God allow this? I still don't have an answer to that but I think I understand the principle of agency better. We all make choices and those choices no matter small effect others. The rest of that week, month, year after the attack is a bit of a blur. I moved on I continued with my school and work. But around this time of year every year I look back on to that day. I know that my experience pales in comparison to those in New York who witnessed this horror or lost someone due to a choice of others. For them I pray that one day they will find the answers they are looking for.
The second part I wish to address is what I feel today. I was sitting in the car wash place today waiting for my car when Fox News (I know some of you love Fox News, but I'm not fan so either skip this portion or don't get too offended) had a few people on about September 11. A survivor was one of the guests. At first they started talking about the bravery of the Firefighters and NYPD but then they decided to criticize Pres. Obama's speech he had given earlier in the day. From what I got from his speech was that we do need to be tolerant. Fox News did not agree with this portion of his speech. But here is what I got from his speech. We as Americans need to be the bigger person. Not do things like burn a Koran or hate people because of their religion. That is what the extremists do, not us. We don't need to be like them. We shouldn't be like them. We have a right to do things like that thanks to people who fought and continue to fight for that freedom. Because we have to right to do it doesn't mean we should. We need to be the better person and be more tolerant and loving. I personally do not have a problem with a mosque around ground zero BUT I can understand why others would not like it. I think that their opinions and feelings should be taken into serious consideration. "We will not sacrifice the liberties we cherish or hunker down behind walls of suspicion and mistrust," Pres. Obama. People often think that I am anti-American because I do immigration law. That is so far from the truth. I love this country and I know of the freedoms, rights and values that we have and are blessed to have and I want others to have those opportunities as well.
There is evil every where in this world and there is hate everywhere. I don't want to talk about that evil when I talk about September 11 to future generations. That essentially is what those that attacked America want. They want to be known as the ones that hurt Americans. Why give them that pleasure? We shouldn't. I want to tell future generations about the bravery of those first responders and the unity that we as Americans finally found but have since then lost. I want to tell them that there are people fighting to keep us safe from other attacks and while there is evil out there there is also much more good. I want to tell them that while the terrorist hoped to put terror into our hearts we did not let them. We have stood tall and strong and continue to do so. I want to tell future generations that I am proud to be an American. I am thankful for those people that lost their lives to save others and I am grateful for those in Iraq and Afghanistan and other areas in the world that are fighting for me, my family, friends and to make things better for those that so desperately need our help. Thank you and I pray you all will stay safe.
Update: I just had a thought...would I still be this tolerant if I had lost a loved one? I would hope so but I can't say for sure.
On September 11, 2001 I was going to school at Snow College in Ephraim, Utah. I had graduated from high school earlier in the year and was excited about college. I remember waking that day not really thinking anything but recalling a conversation I had with my friend Carri in her room the night before. We were talking about be prepared for either the end of the world or the end of our life. Were we prepared to meet our maker when that time came? I think all freshman at some point take that spiritual step. Either to keep the teachings we have been taught since we were little or to venture off on our own and explore new avenues. I recall thinking which step I was going to take...and I had decided the night before to stick to what I believed and grew up believing. I walked to my first class of the day psychology. Before class started I heard people say things like "did you hear what happened in New York?" "There was a plane crash." I didn't think much about it. Because at that time in my life New York seemed like such a far away place and a bit of a fantasy. Somewhere I wanted to visit but figured I wouldn't do for a while. (I'm yet to visit NYC to this day). My professor at that time had not heard about the news either so class carried on like normal. Class ended and I quickly went to my next class. I entered my English 2010 class and my professor entered quickly and said "there has been an attack on America. I am canceling class. Please go home and call your loved ones just to tell them you love them." And he left. I walked back to my apartment quickly and my roommates already had the television on. I walked in the door just in time to see the second plane fly into the second building. I don't recall much after that. I remember sitting there with my roommates watching the tv well into the late afternoon. I remember that the normally busy and rowdy college town was unusually quiet. We received a phone call from our bishop telling us that Pres. Hinckely was giving a talk that night and all of my roommates went. Including one who had decided to take their spiritual path away from the LDS church. I don't remember what Pres. Hinckely said but I remember going over that conversation I had had with Carri over and over in my head. I consider two events in my life that really woke me up in regards to my spirituality. The first was when I was a sophomore at Hunter High School. On April 20, 1999 two kids opened fire on their classmates at Columbine High School in Colorado. I remember reading a story about a girl who was killed because one of the shooters asked her to deny God. She would not do it and he shot her. My very first thought that if it was me I would have denied. That was a huge moment for me. Would I really? Could I really deny? Eventually my answer changed I wouldn't deny God. That carried me through until that moment when I sat in the chapel remembering what I had talked to Carri about. How could God allow this? I still don't have an answer to that but I think I understand the principle of agency better. We all make choices and those choices no matter small effect others. The rest of that week, month, year after the attack is a bit of a blur. I moved on I continued with my school and work. But around this time of year every year I look back on to that day. I know that my experience pales in comparison to those in New York who witnessed this horror or lost someone due to a choice of others. For them I pray that one day they will find the answers they are looking for.
The second part I wish to address is what I feel today. I was sitting in the car wash place today waiting for my car when Fox News (I know some of you love Fox News, but I'm not fan so either skip this portion or don't get too offended) had a few people on about September 11. A survivor was one of the guests. At first they started talking about the bravery of the Firefighters and NYPD but then they decided to criticize Pres. Obama's speech he had given earlier in the day. From what I got from his speech was that we do need to be tolerant. Fox News did not agree with this portion of his speech. But here is what I got from his speech. We as Americans need to be the bigger person. Not do things like burn a Koran or hate people because of their religion. That is what the extremists do, not us. We don't need to be like them. We shouldn't be like them. We have a right to do things like that thanks to people who fought and continue to fight for that freedom. Because we have to right to do it doesn't mean we should. We need to be the better person and be more tolerant and loving. I personally do not have a problem with a mosque around ground zero BUT I can understand why others would not like it. I think that their opinions and feelings should be taken into serious consideration. "We will not sacrifice the liberties we cherish or hunker down behind walls of suspicion and mistrust," Pres. Obama. People often think that I am anti-American because I do immigration law. That is so far from the truth. I love this country and I know of the freedoms, rights and values that we have and are blessed to have and I want others to have those opportunities as well.
There is evil every where in this world and there is hate everywhere. I don't want to talk about that evil when I talk about September 11 to future generations. That essentially is what those that attacked America want. They want to be known as the ones that hurt Americans. Why give them that pleasure? We shouldn't. I want to tell future generations about the bravery of those first responders and the unity that we as Americans finally found but have since then lost. I want to tell them that there are people fighting to keep us safe from other attacks and while there is evil out there there is also much more good. I want to tell them that while the terrorist hoped to put terror into our hearts we did not let them. We have stood tall and strong and continue to do so. I want to tell future generations that I am proud to be an American. I am thankful for those people that lost their lives to save others and I am grateful for those in Iraq and Afghanistan and other areas in the world that are fighting for me, my family, friends and to make things better for those that so desperately need our help. Thank you and I pray you all will stay safe.
Update: I just had a thought...would I still be this tolerant if I had lost a loved one? I would hope so but I can't say for sure.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Cake Shop
Hey everyone! Just wanted to let you know that my friend Janelle and her family are opening a bakery on August 21st! They specialize in gluten free treats. But honestly I have eaten plenty of Janelle's gluten free things and they are tasty! So here is the blog and they have a facebook page as well. eleanorsbakeshop.blogspot.com
Go and support local businesses! :)
Go and support local businesses! :)
Monday, August 2, 2010
What a Weekend!
Actually my weekend wasn't that exciting. Ha! Psych! Sorry. I did go to Antelope Island though. Which for those that are not familiar with this island it is in the middle of the Great Salt Lake. They have loads of trails and you can get int he water if you wish...its really salty...hence the name Great Salt Lake. Now I was dog sitting this weekend and so I decided to take him with me. He however was not allowed on a lot of the trails. That was sure awesome. But we did hike Buffalo Point...it was only .41 miles one way. Lame. But we were hiking back down and it had been cloudy and stormy well we are going down and I feel the hairs on my arm stand up and I think ut oh! No bueno so I have us start to run. Right when we did a huge flash of lightening hit over head followed immediately with thunder. Needless to say I got great exercise running down the mountain. Considering I was the tallest thing up there I opted to not chance getting struck by lightening. Got some great pics though. :D Now for those of you that don't know me I am scared of cows. Yup you read right scared of cows. So Antelope Island is home to over 700 buffalo and they have had buffalo since 1893. (yes I stopped and read every information sign...I'm a nerd) So seeing buffalo was a little unnerving especially since they are much bigger than cows. But I got pictures of ones close to my car AND I even got out and took one outside of my car! Whoa! Needless to say it wasn't an ubber exercisy day but I enjoyed it nonetheless. I have big plans to go for a run today with the heart monitor. Which I still love by the way. :) Eating hasn't been too terrible but I need to work on it. Mostly portions. I want to lose almost 30 pounds by the end of October. I can do that right? Sure I can! Anyway, here are some photos for you all.
He was my hiking buddy! Thanks Sammy!
He was my hiking buddy! Thanks Sammy!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Making an Effort and Things That Must Stay
I know, I know! It has been ages since I wrote a post. Yes well things have been busy. Or I have nothing to say...take your pick. But I'm posting now so snuggle down and enjoy. My friend Larsipan and I were talking about how we should maybe make an effort to be more personable. Meaning we would do our hair and makeup on a daily basis. Let me tell you I was not stoked at the idea. I have perfected, perfected I tell you, the "roll out of bed, quick shower and go" look. Let me tell you that look of a hair in a bun and lotion on my face took months to get just right! I mean I mixed it up sometimes...I did my hair in a braid once in a while. Not buying it are you? Me neither. So Lars and I are making an effort. Today is day three of making an effort. Day two and three went well. I did my hair and makeup. (I honestly don't know what we are supposed to have happen by doing this but whatever I'll go with it) Today did not go well because I forgot to set my alarm so no makeup but I think I still looked ok. Better than no effort so I'm counting it. In actuality I do feel better about myself since I've started making an effort so we'll keep it up.
Now on to "Things that must....stay". I've decided I tend to be too negative about things and too annoyed about things. I've decided to be more positive. So I'm finding things that are good and must stay opposed to must go.
#1: Me finding was to never have to use a razor ever again. Using wax and veet. Woot woot!
#2: Fresh cherries
#3: My CSA farm share that I get every Wednesday.
#4: My friends and family
#5: Utah...I know I complain a lot about Utah but I really do love it. I just need to explore a bit before I make it my permanent home.
#6: My new backpacking backpack for Havasupai.
#7: My awesome tan line!
#8: Cakeballs...if you never had one you are missing out!
#9: Janelle getting her bakery!
#10: My tomato plant moving from the critical condition stage to stable condition.
#11: Going to a movie with my cousin.
There you go all! Peace!
Now on to "Things that must....stay". I've decided I tend to be too negative about things and too annoyed about things. I've decided to be more positive. So I'm finding things that are good and must stay opposed to must go.
#1: Me finding was to never have to use a razor ever again. Using wax and veet. Woot woot!
#2: Fresh cherries
#3: My CSA farm share that I get every Wednesday.
#4: My friends and family
#5: Utah...I know I complain a lot about Utah but I really do love it. I just need to explore a bit before I make it my permanent home.
#6: My new backpacking backpack for Havasupai.
#7: My awesome tan line!
#8: Cakeballs...if you never had one you are missing out!
#9: Janelle getting her bakery!
#10: My tomato plant moving from the critical condition stage to stable condition.
#11: Going to a movie with my cousin.
There you go all! Peace!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Janelle's link button

Hey everyone! So this little picture is a button I made Janelle (with some input from her :)) for her cake website. It is so she can have people put it on their blog and have a cute way to link to Just Eat It! Cakes. So as you can tell I have one on my page as well. ~~~~~~~~~> If you would like the button you can copy the html in the box below and put it on your blog. If you need to know how to do that let me know and I can help. If you have never been to her website you are missing out! Just click on the button on the right and it will link to her site. Fancy isn't it?
By the way the reason it is on my blog is because that is part of the process of making a button...I was going to delete it but why not make a post out of it?
Thursday, May 27, 2010
The Return of "Things That Must Go"!
So I have decided to bring back "things that must go Thursday." Hooray! :)
#1: People thinking the pool at 24Hour Fitness is the country club pool. Listen missy you and your boyfriend are taking up a lane I could be using to swim. This is not a place for you two to be all flirty and kissy playing around. You want to do that? Go to the community pool! I know who you are too. You are these girls that come in a skimpy little bikini. Which is fine for the hot tub but for the pool I don't buy the fact that you are a serious swimmer in that. From my experience (read my last post) you won't be able to hold too much in with those pasties you are wearing. I learned a new offensive word from my dear friend Abby yesterday. Don't make me use it on you.
#2: My eyes hurting and not being able to wear contacts.
#3: Swimming with no contacts or glasses. Would be fine right? You follow the line right? Wrong.
#4: Running into a guy swimming in a lane that I thought was empty because I could not see him in the lane with no contacts...
#5: Paying full price for books 1-5 of Harry Potter only to find out I could have been getting them at Barnes and Noble.com for 50% off!
#6: Barnes and Noble delaying my shipment of book 6 but not book 7. I need book 6! 7 can wait!
#7: Christi's stupid sorting hat that keeps saying I belong in Hufflepuff...stupid Hufflepuff.
#8: Having that stupid "I wanna be a billionaire" song in my head. I HATE that song! Get out!
Ok I think that's it for now! Feel free to contribute!
#1: People thinking the pool at 24Hour Fitness is the country club pool. Listen missy you and your boyfriend are taking up a lane I could be using to swim. This is not a place for you two to be all flirty and kissy playing around. You want to do that? Go to the community pool! I know who you are too. You are these girls that come in a skimpy little bikini. Which is fine for the hot tub but for the pool I don't buy the fact that you are a serious swimmer in that. From my experience (read my last post) you won't be able to hold too much in with those pasties you are wearing. I learned a new offensive word from my dear friend Abby yesterday. Don't make me use it on you.
#2: My eyes hurting and not being able to wear contacts.
#3: Swimming with no contacts or glasses. Would be fine right? You follow the line right? Wrong.
#4: Running into a guy swimming in a lane that I thought was empty because I could not see him in the lane with no contacts...
#5: Paying full price for books 1-5 of Harry Potter only to find out I could have been getting them at Barnes and Noble.com for 50% off!
#6: Barnes and Noble delaying my shipment of book 6 but not book 7. I need book 6! 7 can wait!
#7: Christi's stupid sorting hat that keeps saying I belong in Hufflepuff...stupid Hufflepuff.
#8: Having that stupid "I wanna be a billionaire" song in my head. I HATE that song! Get out!
Ok I think that's it for now! Feel free to contribute!
Monday, May 10, 2010
Two Things About Swimming
#1: There is a guy at the gym that I see swimming laps while I am there. He doesn't swim as long as I do but he usually goes to the sauna and the hot tub while I'm still swimming. I swim for a full hour. That is 40 laps. 1 lap equals one up and back. So if we are counting one way I do 80 laps. So this guy after my swim tonight asked if I had a good swim and how many laps I swam. I said 40. He said "that's not bad." Then I realized that he probably only counts a lap as one down not two like I do. So now this guy thinks it takes me an hour to swim 40 laps which in reality it takes me an hour to swim 80! Boo...
#2: The second one is a story. Whilst swimming tonight I felt some weird tugging on my swimming suit on one side. But I'm trying to stay focused and not worry about it right? So I do a few more laps and decide I can't handle it anymore so I have to stop. I don't really like to stop because once I get into a rhythm I like to stay with it. So I stop at the shallow end of the pool stand up look down and well let's just say I had a Janet Jackson Super Bowl wardrobe malfunction. Thankfully there was no one in the pool at this time. I quickly corrected the situation and went back to swimming. I have such issues sometimes!
#2: The second one is a story. Whilst swimming tonight I felt some weird tugging on my swimming suit on one side. But I'm trying to stay focused and not worry about it right? So I do a few more laps and decide I can't handle it anymore so I have to stop. I don't really like to stop because once I get into a rhythm I like to stay with it. So I stop at the shallow end of the pool stand up look down and well let's just say I had a Janet Jackson Super Bowl wardrobe malfunction. Thankfully there was no one in the pool at this time. I quickly corrected the situation and went back to swimming. I have such issues sometimes!
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Hey everyone! So this is going to be a short post so enjoy this little nugget! So here's a quick update on what is going on. First off I got a calling in the family ward. Now let me explain something here. I was not wanting to go to the singles ward and I was fighting it. Well I decided to go with my friend Monica to the ward she is supposed to go to. So I went a few times and hated every minute of it. So then I decided I needed to have a better attitude about everything. I worked on it and I chose to go to the ward I am supposed to go to last Sunday. So I went I finally decided I could do the singles ward and get involved and maybe even enjoy it. My reason for deciding to go tot he singles ward is because that is what we are supposed to do as young single adults right? Right. So I finally have a good attitude and ready to do the whole single thing. Wahoo! I'm ready to do this! Yeah not quite. Last Tuesday I got a call from my family ward and they called me to be in the Young Women's presidency as the secretary. So much for the singles ward and my goal. Awesome.
The second thing is that this Saturday my mom and I went to Empty Bowls. It is a fundraiser to help St. Vincent's soup kitchen in Salt Lake City. There are local artists who make clay bowls and donate them to the event. So you go and pick out bowls they cost $15 and then you get soup. It was really cool! Here are pics of my two bowls I got.
You can't tell from the pic but the whiteish bowl is actually pink and purple...the brown one is my new ice cream bowl. I guess I need to go buy ice cream to try it out. Dang it. :D
Its cool because it helps out my work! :) Only a different part of it. Good times! I recommend people go next year. Its an annual event.
The second thing is that this Saturday my mom and I went to Empty Bowls. It is a fundraiser to help St. Vincent's soup kitchen in Salt Lake City. There are local artists who make clay bowls and donate them to the event. So you go and pick out bowls they cost $15 and then you get soup. It was really cool! Here are pics of my two bowls I got.
You can't tell from the pic but the whiteish bowl is actually pink and purple...the brown one is my new ice cream bowl. I guess I need to go buy ice cream to try it out. Dang it. :D
Its cool because it helps out my work! :) Only a different part of it. Good times! I recommend people go next year. Its an annual event.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
How about a cig?
So two things for this short post.
#1: I PASSED THE UTAH BAR!!! Woot woot!! I got that letter on a Saturday and I am just stoked that I don't have to worry about it anymore. Janelle made me key lime cupcakes with white chocolate frosting as a congratulations...or she just wanted to try making these cupcakes. Either way I got cake! So I was happy. They were amazing!! Thanks Janelle!
#2: So I've been frustrated with the whole dating thing but all is not lost everyone! I was in Harmon's a few weeks ago at like 11:00 at night. I was walking over to the milk and I walked in front of this guy I apologized and walked over to the milk and I turn around and this same guy was there. He asked me where I was from then said he was from Yugoslavia. He was like 40. He said he wanted to take me out that night which I politely declined. He was persistent though. He asked about Sunday night and Monday and I said no. So then he wants my number. I give him a fake one. So I am about to leave and he says, "I have white van in parking lot. I wait for you and we have cigarette." Then he left. So see everyone I'm not totally hopeless!
Late edition #3: My dear cousin Kayla reminded me of another time I had the opportunity to meet some people from the Slavic region. Kayla and I went to Park City to hang out one day in the summer of '08 (I only know that because I had to find a picture and that's what the date was). We were driving down the canyon and I pulled to the side of the road to get some pictures of the mountains. I mean really who doesn't love the Utah mountains? (Plus I was living in Florida at the time and really my friends in Florida had not seen real mountains so I needed to educate them.) So I am taking some pictures and suddenly this kid pops up from the side of the road like some mountain goat! He was picking wild flowers. So I got to talking to him and his brother. They were from Russia and were in Utah doing some construction work. Their names were Vlad and Michael I think. But they ended up sharing part of their wild flowers with me and I got a picture with them. See I have a way with the Slavs. Woot woot!
And look! Vlad has a cig too! So I have a way with Slavic's and smokers...good to know.
#1: I PASSED THE UTAH BAR!!! Woot woot!! I got that letter on a Saturday and I am just stoked that I don't have to worry about it anymore. Janelle made me key lime cupcakes with white chocolate frosting as a congratulations...or she just wanted to try making these cupcakes. Either way I got cake! So I was happy. They were amazing!! Thanks Janelle!
#2: So I've been frustrated with the whole dating thing but all is not lost everyone! I was in Harmon's a few weeks ago at like 11:00 at night. I was walking over to the milk and I walked in front of this guy I apologized and walked over to the milk and I turn around and this same guy was there. He asked me where I was from then said he was from Yugoslavia. He was like 40. He said he wanted to take me out that night which I politely declined. He was persistent though. He asked about Sunday night and Monday and I said no. So then he wants my number. I give him a fake one. So I am about to leave and he says, "I have white van in parking lot. I wait for you and we have cigarette." Then he left. So see everyone I'm not totally hopeless!
Late edition #3: My dear cousin Kayla reminded me of another time I had the opportunity to meet some people from the Slavic region. Kayla and I went to Park City to hang out one day in the summer of '08 (I only know that because I had to find a picture and that's what the date was). We were driving down the canyon and I pulled to the side of the road to get some pictures of the mountains. I mean really who doesn't love the Utah mountains? (Plus I was living in Florida at the time and really my friends in Florida had not seen real mountains so I needed to educate them.) So I am taking some pictures and suddenly this kid pops up from the side of the road like some mountain goat! He was picking wild flowers. So I got to talking to him and his brother. They were from Russia and were in Utah doing some construction work. Their names were Vlad and Michael I think. But they ended up sharing part of their wild flowers with me and I got a picture with them. See I have a way with the Slavs. Woot woot!
And look! Vlad has a cig too! So I have a way with Slavic's and smokers...good to know.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Do you ever wonder?
For those faithful readers that are married this still might apply to you. So I was looking back on past relationships, those people I dated only once or twice and other relationships and I thought "what was I thinking?!"Now nothing against these guys because the majority are great guys but looking back I am often glad things never worked out for various reasons. I wouldn't have been good for them or them for me that type of thing. This got me thinking though...and the thought that entered my mind was "Am I even dateable?" What makes one dateable anyway? I guess all I can do is try to be the person I want to be a little more everyday and if that makes me dateable or not doesn't matter as long as I am happy.
I haven't done quote Tuesday for a while but this was a good one. So my dad is a pretty avid swimmer and lately I've been having some lower back issues and I asked him if it was because of the swimming...this is what he says to me.
Dad:"Maybe. Or it could be your birthing hips are coming in!"
Aaahh...what? Well leave it at that...
I haven't done quote Tuesday for a while but this was a good one. So my dad is a pretty avid swimmer and lately I've been having some lower back issues and I asked him if it was because of the swimming...this is what he says to me.
Dad:"Maybe. Or it could be your birthing hips are coming in!"
Aaahh...what? Well leave it at that...
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
I'm a ninny but I don't care!
Before I get into the story as to why I am a ninny I will start with a few observations. So I went to Moscow this weekend to visit. It was a great time and I was happy to see everyone. But here is my observation or epiphany. I was sitting in church in Moscow and I had the thought that I needed to leave Moscow behind. Kind of a sad thought but its true. I need to move on with my life. That doesn't mean I'm cutting the Moscow people out my life. Now way! I need them all too much. But I do need to stop wishing I was in Moscow and wanting to go back. So I'm moving on. Looking back fondly but not dwelling on it. Moscow will always be in my heart but I also need to move on. So that means deciding where to go and make my next step.
Now onto observation #2: I decided to take a different way home from Moscow to see a friend. It was good and nice to see him. Well because of this (by the way it is NOT on the way home from Moscow) I had to drive through Oregon. So I had to get gas and I was talking to my sister about to get out of my car and this guy pops up to my window and says "give me your card!" Scared the snot out of me! Then I remembered in Oregon you aren't allowed to pump your own gas. Now while some people poo poo this I like it. Because it was snowing when I stopped so I could stay in my car nice and warm. :)
I got home at 5:30AM slept a few hours and went to work. Needless to say I did not go to workout. So today I had to go. I finally got my goggles and new swimming suit. Let me tell you having goggles makes a HUGE difference! I had such a good swim. Thanks to Lars I had a diagram on how to do the dolphin flip thingy...I forgot its name. But its where when you get to the end of the lane you do a flip to turn around. So my little flippies look horrid but hey it works. The reason why the swim was awesome was because I felt like I got a good workout. Before I would stop at the end of the lane and turn around. So that little break made not as challenging, but now I keep going. I really like it. Goooo swimming! Lars says I am a ninny because I use a nose plug. She says I should blow bubbles. I can't do it. I always get water up my nose. So I'll stick with the nose plugs.
Oh and for all of you that read my blog and I read yours I need your addresses. When I switched I lost them all. So if you all could either leave your address in the comments or email me that would be great! Thanks yo!
Now onto observation #2: I decided to take a different way home from Moscow to see a friend. It was good and nice to see him. Well because of this (by the way it is NOT on the way home from Moscow) I had to drive through Oregon. So I had to get gas and I was talking to my sister about to get out of my car and this guy pops up to my window and says "give me your card!" Scared the snot out of me! Then I remembered in Oregon you aren't allowed to pump your own gas. Now while some people poo poo this I like it. Because it was snowing when I stopped so I could stay in my car nice and warm. :)
I got home at 5:30AM slept a few hours and went to work. Needless to say I did not go to workout. So today I had to go. I finally got my goggles and new swimming suit. Let me tell you having goggles makes a HUGE difference! I had such a good swim. Thanks to Lars I had a diagram on how to do the dolphin flip thingy...I forgot its name. But its where when you get to the end of the lane you do a flip to turn around. So my little flippies look horrid but hey it works. The reason why the swim was awesome was because I felt like I got a good workout. Before I would stop at the end of the lane and turn around. So that little break made not as challenging, but now I keep going. I really like it. Goooo swimming! Lars says I am a ninny because I use a nose plug. She says I should blow bubbles. I can't do it. I always get water up my nose. So I'll stick with the nose plugs.
Oh and for all of you that read my blog and I read yours I need your addresses. When I switched I lost them all. So if you all could either leave your address in the comments or email me that would be great! Thanks yo!
Monday, March 22, 2010
Finally! *Sniff* it smells like chlorine and comfort zone? What comfort zone?
I decided I just needed a boost to lose weight. So I just needed 5 lbs and I would be motivated. I finally did. I also have motivation because I know what Janelle's weight is now and so I am determined to hit her weight and then pass her. I have never weighed less than her ever but I am going to now man! Ha! Go me! Bring it Janelle! Bring it.
Part of my working out is now doing swimming because my knee is screwed up...which is also motivation because I can't run again until I lose 20 pounds. So I needed a new swimming suit because my current one looks like this (in case you were wondering I totally look like this girl too. HA! I crack myself up):

Which is great for laying on the beach but not for swimming laps. So I bought a new one. It looks like this:

Hot no? I went swimming today and whoa..kicked my butt! I swam 20 laps (that was a there and back=one lap type thing) So I did two sets of breaststroke and two sets of backstroke. I have to say my form is horrible. I really need to take lessons. I'm pathetic. But hey at least I'm out there yeah?
So I've always been a little wary about changing in the locker room. I usually go into the bathroom stall, usually that's because I have to go to the bathroom at the same time. But whatever, well today I didn't care. I took a shower at the gym in the buff my friends! See here is my thinking, if anyone sees me its their own fault. Which is also my philosophy for if someone walks in on me in the bathroom. It's their eyes. I have to say I'm pretty dang proud of myself for not caring anymore. I even dressed in the middle of the locker room. Ok some of you might be saying, "wow crazy too much information." Well you know what? I don't care. I am no longer a prude!
Part of my working out is now doing swimming because my knee is screwed up...which is also motivation because I can't run again until I lose 20 pounds. So I needed a new swimming suit because my current one looks like this (in case you were wondering I totally look like this girl too. HA! I crack myself up):

Which is great for laying on the beach but not for swimming laps. So I bought a new one. It looks like this:

Hot no? I went swimming today and whoa..kicked my butt! I swam 20 laps (that was a there and back=one lap type thing) So I did two sets of breaststroke and two sets of backstroke. I have to say my form is horrible. I really need to take lessons. I'm pathetic. But hey at least I'm out there yeah?
So I've always been a little wary about changing in the locker room. I usually go into the bathroom stall, usually that's because I have to go to the bathroom at the same time. But whatever, well today I didn't care. I took a shower at the gym in the buff my friends! See here is my thinking, if anyone sees me its their own fault. Which is also my philosophy for if someone walks in on me in the bathroom. It's their eyes. I have to say I'm pretty dang proud of myself for not caring anymore. I even dressed in the middle of the locker room. Ok some of you might be saying, "wow crazy too much information." Well you know what? I don't care. I am no longer a prude!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Woot woot!
So I've been a little while since I've been running due to the knee. Well today I went for a bike ride and then ran/walked 1.25 miles. I'm not quite up to par on the running yet. The knee just seemed unstable. It didn't hurt to bad but was a wee bit wobbly. So we decided to take it a little easier. Plus since I' haven't been running for a bit I am not up to par. But it was great to be back out and running.
On another note I started my job, as mentioned last time. I love it, really I do. I went to US Citizenship and Immigration Services by myself today! I was worried but actually it turned out well. I was glad to finally get my first time at USCIS. It was good. I love being able to help people get citizenship. This is a great country and I am glad that I can help people get the blessings of it.
Well that's my soap box. Peace out everyone!
On another note I started my job, as mentioned last time. I love it, really I do. I went to US Citizenship and Immigration Services by myself today! I was worried but actually it turned out well. I was glad to finally get my first time at USCIS. It was good. I love being able to help people get citizenship. This is a great country and I am glad that I can help people get the blessings of it.
Well that's my soap box. Peace out everyone!
Sunday, March 7, 2010
"Do you speak spanish?"
I started my job everyone! Wahoo! And things changed with it a little bit. I now get benefits and can work more than 19 hours. Which when I was offered the job was told I could not work more than 19 hours and no benefits. So that was a nice change. I also get paid for my millage I spend. So for those of you that don't know my job is the legal coordinator for a grant. I work for an agency that received a grant to help elderly refugee permanent residents get citizenship. Congress a couple years ago wanted to give an incentive for people to get their citizenship. So they passed a law that said that people over 60 had to get their citizenship within 7 years of receiving their permanent residency or they would lose their social security income. So we don't want that to happen. I have a co-worker who does the outreach and I do the legal work and teaching the civics portion of the exam. So far I enjoy it! :)
Ok on to the title of this post. I went with my co-worker Mohamud to a Sudanese community meeting. While Mohamud and I were waiting this lady was giving this presentation on abuse. She was saying it in Spanish and this other guy was translating. He was struggling a bit. I was following along with the lady and then in the middle she asks if I speak Spanish and wants me to go up and translate for her. So yeah I got to give a presentation on abuse. :) I also learned a lot from this Sudanese meeting. It was fun. Mohamud and I then went and crashed a Ghana Independence Day celebration. That was a good time. Well that's it kids. I'm out! Peace!
Ok on to the title of this post. I went with my co-worker Mohamud to a Sudanese community meeting. While Mohamud and I were waiting this lady was giving this presentation on abuse. She was saying it in Spanish and this other guy was translating. He was struggling a bit. I was following along with the lady and then in the middle she asks if I speak Spanish and wants me to go up and translate for her. So yeah I got to give a presentation on abuse. :) I also learned a lot from this Sudanese meeting. It was fun. Mohamud and I then went and crashed a Ghana Independence Day celebration. That was a good time. Well that's it kids. I'm out! Peace!
Sunday, February 21, 2010
SLOC 2002
I got an email from a friend today bragging that he went up to Vancouver and hung out at the Olympics. He didn't go to any events but just got to go hang out. At first I was pretty annoyed because I freaking love the Olympics. Well la-te-da you live in Washington and can go. Pfft whatever! While moping and planning snarky response to this email I remembered that I was a volunteer for the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake. So in reality I should let him have his moment. I'll sit back and pout quietly. But this got me thinking about the 2002 Olympics. Here in Utah a lot of people have been talking about when the Olympics were here and reminiscing, so I'll jump on that bandwagon. Why? Because I'm a sheep. Baaa! I follow. I'm sure you would like to see photos wouldn't you? Yeah me too...but I could only find my credentials so that's all you get. Sorry.
My job in the Olympics was event services. If any of you went and/or saw the Olympics I was one of those people in the Yellow coats. My specific job was opening and closing ceremonies. Which in all honesty was probably the best job to get. As an event services volunteer the majority of my time I did security. At the opening ceremonies my job was to direct people on where to go outside of the stadium and then during the ceremonies was to make sure we had no gate jumpers. Exciting no? The best part was when the secret service man had to go to the bathroom and I was in charge of guarding President Bush's car. He gave me a secret service pin!

I also have another pin (well I have a lot of pins, but I only mention the cool ones) from the BLM, guess who THAT is from! Yup Dad. Gooooo BLM.
After opening ceremonies we were then assigned to go all over the valley to different events and help out. It was awesome! Because everyone else was assigned to only one venue. I worked the skeleton, met the Queen of Latvia, Hockey, worked the VIP tent and met, Jacque Rouge, Mit Romney, Evgeni Plushenko, The Bare Naked Ladies, Scott Hamilton, Michelle Kwan, I worked the medals ceremony, met Steve Young and Nelly Furtado, worked men's aerials, didn't met anyone cool, but the aerials are cool on their own, worked the bobsled, confiscated this guys really nice flask, he got mad, worked figure skating directing traffic, not car traffic, people traffic and ended with the closing ceremonies, were I saw Harry Connick Jr. changing clothes! He was doing it outside! Not my fault. I was also directing people at the end and this drunk Dutch speed skater wanted my lanyard and I wouldn't give it to him then he finally convinced me so I gave it to him and he kissed me. Let me tell you being kissed by a drunk man is not totally unpleasant...I loved being a volunteer and it was for sure a once in a lifetime opportunity and I'm so glad I did it. They gave us a watch at the end of the games and I still wear it to this day as a great reminder.
Now on to the current Olympics. I used to love figure skating as a kid. Now? Blah, snore. My sports now are snowboarding and moguls, and really any downhill, men, women doesn't matter.
I absolutely loved Shaun White's half pipe run. It was amazing! He is amazing.
Torah Bright's run was also amazing.
I also was really excited for the Canadian Men's moguls winner. He's just a cool guy and for sure deserved to win.
After Wednesday I can watch more and I'm ubber excited because I love the Olys. Who doesn't?! One of my mom's favorite Olympic sports is curling. Really? Lame. As Stephen Colbert said, there is a reason they normally play that game in a pub with lots of drinking. But actually I got her on the half pipe bandwagon by making her watch Shaun White's run five times. What? They have a better tv. HD and bigger. On mine you can barely see the faces since its so old and blurry. I had to sit in front of it to watch LOTR so I culd read the translation. But hey it was $30 bucks and I won it in a law school auction. I would also like to fully admit that I have no idea how to post non-youtube videos on here so cut and past the link...
So the next Olympics are in London 2012. I have signed up to be on their volunteer newsletter so then I could hopefully fill out an application to become a volunteer. How cool would that be?! Granted London is going to take UK applicants first then European applicants. Hopefully I can squeeze in their and do it. I'm hoping my Spanish helps and the fact that I've volunteered before. Who knows! We can always hope right?
I also have another pin (well I have a lot of pins, but I only mention the cool ones) from the BLM, guess who THAT is from! Yup Dad. Gooooo BLM.
After opening ceremonies we were then assigned to go all over the valley to different events and help out. It was awesome! Because everyone else was assigned to only one venue. I worked the skeleton, met the Queen of Latvia, Hockey, worked the VIP tent and met, Jacque Rouge, Mit Romney, Evgeni Plushenko, The Bare Naked Ladies, Scott Hamilton, Michelle Kwan, I worked the medals ceremony, met Steve Young and Nelly Furtado, worked men's aerials, didn't met anyone cool, but the aerials are cool on their own, worked the bobsled, confiscated this guys really nice flask, he got mad, worked figure skating directing traffic, not car traffic, people traffic and ended with the closing ceremonies, were I saw Harry Connick Jr. changing clothes! He was doing it outside! Not my fault. I was also directing people at the end and this drunk Dutch speed skater wanted my lanyard and I wouldn't give it to him then he finally convinced me so I gave it to him and he kissed me. Let me tell you being kissed by a drunk man is not totally unpleasant...I loved being a volunteer and it was for sure a once in a lifetime opportunity and I'm so glad I did it. They gave us a watch at the end of the games and I still wear it to this day as a great reminder.
Now on to the current Olympics. I used to love figure skating as a kid. Now? Blah, snore. My sports now are snowboarding and moguls, and really any downhill, men, women doesn't matter.
I absolutely loved Shaun White's half pipe run. It was amazing! He is amazing.
Torah Bright's run was also amazing.
I also was really excited for the Canadian Men's moguls winner. He's just a cool guy and for sure deserved to win.
After Wednesday I can watch more and I'm ubber excited because I love the Olys. Who doesn't?! One of my mom's favorite Olympic sports is curling. Really? Lame. As Stephen Colbert said, there is a reason they normally play that game in a pub with lots of drinking. But actually I got her on the half pipe bandwagon by making her watch Shaun White's run five times. What? They have a better tv. HD and bigger. On mine you can barely see the faces since its so old and blurry. I had to sit in front of it to watch LOTR so I culd read the translation. But hey it was $30 bucks and I won it in a law school auction. I would also like to fully admit that I have no idea how to post non-youtube videos on here so cut and past the link...
So the next Olympics are in London 2012. I have signed up to be on their volunteer newsletter so then I could hopefully fill out an application to become a volunteer. How cool would that be?! Granted London is going to take UK applicants first then European applicants. Hopefully I can squeeze in their and do it. I'm hoping my Spanish helps and the fact that I've volunteered before. Who knows! We can always hope right?
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
A Faceplant and Falling Pants...
First off my frustration. I love running. That is my exercise of choice. It is an exercise that challenges me physically and mentally. It helps release my stress and thankfully that has been my replacement for food. Well lately my ACL knee is mad at me. So I've had to cut way down on my miles. So Monday I ran only 2 miles. Of course the knee was mad so I bought a knee brace and have been icing it. So then today I decided just to keep in the mindset of running I'd only do a mile today. Well I started on my run and the knee wouldn't let me. I ended up walking my mile and I wanted to cry. I miss running. But I guess I have to suck it up until the things get better. Its just depressing. So to feel like I'm still getting a workout I go to 24Hour Fitness classes at night. Last night was 24Set. Weight training mixed with cardio. Tonight I did 1 hour of cycling class and then right after 1 hour of yoga. Which leads me into the funny. 2 stories for you.
#1 So cycling always makes me ubber sweaty because its a tough class but I love it. So I was all sweaty and gross from cycling and I went into yoga. I went into the studio set up my mat and then went and changed into my yoga clothes. I ran back upstairs and the class had already started. I was still sweaty and gross and I went into my first downward facing dog after the warm up...well apparently I got either water or sweat on my mat and I put my hands out moved back into the downward facing dog and totally slipped and face planted on my mat. You can't see it but I have mat burn on my nose. It was pretty awesome! But as Janelle said story number 2 is better.
#2: So my Dad told me a story about a guy who worked at the church had his car die and he counted 90 cars in the church office building parking garage drive past him until someone finally stopped. So I was driving back home from the gym and this guys car died. So I about went around and then remembered my dad's story. So I stopped and asked if I could help because no one else was. This was at 5400 South and Bangerter Highway. If you are not familiar with Bangerter Highway it is pretty big and really busy. The guy said that if I could help him push his car across Bangerter to the gas station that would be great. So I park my car and the light changes and I start pushing (FYI a new cadilac Escalada truck is not the lightest car I have ever pushed) So we are pushing and its moving and then these two guys come help. We are in the middle of the intersection and I am wearing my yoga pants that are too big for me but I like them. Well I stepped on one leg and ended up pulling my pants down in the middle of Bangerter Highway. Thankfully I had other shorts on underneath or everyone on Bangerter would have seen my skivvies.
Ah yes. There we go...I try to be normal and it just doesn't work.
#1 So cycling always makes me ubber sweaty because its a tough class but I love it. So I was all sweaty and gross from cycling and I went into yoga. I went into the studio set up my mat and then went and changed into my yoga clothes. I ran back upstairs and the class had already started. I was still sweaty and gross and I went into my first downward facing dog after the warm up...well apparently I got either water or sweat on my mat and I put my hands out moved back into the downward facing dog and totally slipped and face planted on my mat. You can't see it but I have mat burn on my nose. It was pretty awesome! But as Janelle said story number 2 is better.
#2: So my Dad told me a story about a guy who worked at the church had his car die and he counted 90 cars in the church office building parking garage drive past him until someone finally stopped. So I was driving back home from the gym and this guys car died. So I about went around and then remembered my dad's story. So I stopped and asked if I could help because no one else was. This was at 5400 South and Bangerter Highway. If you are not familiar with Bangerter Highway it is pretty big and really busy. The guy said that if I could help him push his car across Bangerter to the gas station that would be great. So I park my car and the light changes and I start pushing (FYI a new cadilac Escalada truck is not the lightest car I have ever pushed) So we are pushing and its moving and then these two guys come help. We are in the middle of the intersection and I am wearing my yoga pants that are too big for me but I like them. Well I stepped on one leg and ended up pulling my pants down in the middle of Bangerter Highway. Thankfully I had other shorts on underneath or everyone on Bangerter would have seen my skivvies.
Ah yes. There we go...I try to be normal and it just doesn't work.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Now you know
I figured out this morning why they say don't put a metal spoon in a blender. I got up this morning to watch a segment on Good Day Utah about the Empress Theatre out in Magna. My brother and sister-in-law are ubber involved with this theatre and honestly when I can afford it I would like to invest in this cute little theatre. Here are the segments if you want to watch http://www.fox13now.com/news/gooddayutah/ Go to the Big Buddah segment and its parts 1-4 I think. I also now want to stop by the Kiwi Bakery and get some aussie treats. I actually like the Magna. But anyway, back to the blender. I was making a smoothie this manana when my fruit wasn't blending so I just poked it a bit while it was going and I hit the blade. Out spruts half of my smoothie! It was all over the floor, counter, and cupboards. And later I went to go pull my hair back and there was part of a raspberry in my hair. I washed it out and went on with my day. But now I know that you really shouldn't put your metal spoons in a blender. By the way if you are wondering about my smoothie here is the recipe.
chuck in some frozen raspberries
toss in a chopped up banana
squirt in some honey for sweetness
a spoonful of plain yogurt
and dash of skim milk.
It actually was really good. I might have to make those more often. I also got up before 8 for once! Go team!
chuck in some frozen raspberries
toss in a chopped up banana
squirt in some honey for sweetness
a spoonful of plain yogurt
and dash of skim milk.
It actually was really good. I might have to make those more often. I also got up before 8 for once! Go team!
Sunday, January 24, 2010
I had a few thoughts...
I had a couple thoughts about A&E today. Not the Arts & Entertainment channel, Adam and/or Eve. As some of you know we are studying the Old Testament. I had a few thoughts while in Sunday school today. First thought, what do you think Adam and Eve talked about in the garden? I mean really, they have no knowledge and so what were their conversations? "Hey honey! There's a new flower over by the apple tree." Woo...stimulating conversation. Here is my second thought, Adam totally sold Eve out! I mean the Lord said "Adam did you take of the fruit?" Adam answers with, "dude you know that chick you gave me? Totally her fault." Isn't that like a guy? Those are just a few thoughts I had.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
That means "Push!" in Spanish. No I'm not delivering a baby. That was the thought I had on my run this morning. When I was in Florida I loved pushing myself in my workouts. Making myself go further or faster. I would run my normal 5 miles then the last minute back to my apartment I'd make myself sprint. I decided I need to get back that desire to push myself. I know that I can do anything if I put my mind to it. So my run today I did an out and back, meaning out 1.5 miles and turn around and back 1.5. On the way back through the business park the head wind sucked!! It was horrible! I wanted to stop and walk so many times. I made myself run through the wind. Because my thinking was once I got out of the open business park back to the homes that there would be a wind barrier. So I said, "ok run to the end of the business park." I got to thinking while running though about "empuje" I decided that I would run through the neighborhood to the next stoplight. My theory by the way that the houses would kill the wind was way wrong! The houses just created a wind tunnel down the street. But I pushed myself. I ended up taking 2 minutes longer than I normally do on a 3 mile run, which by the way I need to really calibrate my ipod. Because its way off. I didn't meet my goals for this run, which were to finish in less than 2 minutes over and not walk. I did walk twice. But that just gives me the opportunity to push myself the next time. But it got my thinking what can I push myself to do better in other aspects? So here are some ideas I had for myself.
#1: Be a better member of the church: Push myself to get to the temple once a month. Hello! I have 4 temples within 30 minutes of my house! There is no excuse. I also can take my scripture reading and prayers more seriously. The biggest thing is to go to church for the gospel not to find friends.
#2: Push myself to be a better friend: I have been neglecting some friends lately and these friends have been with my for ages and they don't deserve to be pushed on the back burner. I will make it up to you all I promise!
#3: Push myself to be a better future attorney: I need to push myself in my bar studies. I do the minimum currently. When in reality I need to do the maximum. I need to fight for those people I want to help and the best way to do that right now is to take the bar seriously and pass.
#4: Push myself to be a better sister, aunt, and daughter: This means hang with my family more. Realize that out of everyone in my life they will always support me and will always be there for me. Some friends come and go but my family never will and I need to show them that I am there for them as well.
#5: Push myself to be a better member of society: What am I doing to contribute to the welfare of my fellow human being? Lars came up with a brilliant idea of traveling with purpose. Meaning when we take our vacations we would do a humanitarian project along with it. Not only can I help those abroad but I can help those here. I can get out and vote (for those that think that this means I am picking a political party, sorry no dice. I am still very NON partisan.) But getting out to vote gets my voice out there even if sometimes its very quiet. I can also volunteer for things. I used to love donating blood but I haven't done it for a while. That is one thing I can do that is quick. I better go eat some cream of wheat then. :)
Well that's word of the day, "empuje!"
#1: Be a better member of the church: Push myself to get to the temple once a month. Hello! I have 4 temples within 30 minutes of my house! There is no excuse. I also can take my scripture reading and prayers more seriously. The biggest thing is to go to church for the gospel not to find friends.
#2: Push myself to be a better friend: I have been neglecting some friends lately and these friends have been with my for ages and they don't deserve to be pushed on the back burner. I will make it up to you all I promise!
#3: Push myself to be a better future attorney: I need to push myself in my bar studies. I do the minimum currently. When in reality I need to do the maximum. I need to fight for those people I want to help and the best way to do that right now is to take the bar seriously and pass.
#4: Push myself to be a better sister, aunt, and daughter: This means hang with my family more. Realize that out of everyone in my life they will always support me and will always be there for me. Some friends come and go but my family never will and I need to show them that I am there for them as well.
#5: Push myself to be a better member of society: What am I doing to contribute to the welfare of my fellow human being? Lars came up with a brilliant idea of traveling with purpose. Meaning when we take our vacations we would do a humanitarian project along with it. Not only can I help those abroad but I can help those here. I can get out and vote (for those that think that this means I am picking a political party, sorry no dice. I am still very NON partisan.) But getting out to vote gets my voice out there even if sometimes its very quiet. I can also volunteer for things. I used to love donating blood but I haven't done it for a while. That is one thing I can do that is quick. I better go eat some cream of wheat then. :)
Well that's word of the day, "empuje!"
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
What better way...
to break in a pair of new running shoes than by pounding the pavement? It was a great day yesterday for a run. So I put on my new shoes and ran 3.25 miles. It was glorious! I always forget how much I love running. I got a blister and it was worth it. I tend to have issues with my knee when I go from treadmill to pavement so it was not happy with me yesterday. I opted to not go to 24Set this morning and give my knee a rest. I decided that that was just an excuse. So I tried to get to the 9:15 24Set but I was too late. So I biked hills for 25 minutes then did weights for about 25 minutes. I should have done more. But the thing is I'm worried about hurting my knee. I try to tell myself that I'm just making excuses. But every time I stand up I have to walk on my toes until it stops hurting. It was probably a good idea to take a break. I'll get back to the run tomorrow. And while at the gym there is a really hot personal trainer at 24Hour Fitness. Going to get a personal trainer? Heck yes I am! No I'm not really. But I was embarrassed because I wore my High School Musical socks. Thanks Christi. Oops.
I forgot to share my stories about my experiences with the singles ward. So two weeks ago I was talking to this guy and he asked where I came from and I said I had just graduated from school. He asked what I graduated in and I said law school. He looked at me and walked away. Then last week I was talking to the branch presidents wife (I know the branch president and his wife. I worked at his insurance firm while in high school) and she asked if I had graduated from law school. I said yes and that I was taking the bar and then I'd be an attorney. This guy walking down the hall who I have never seen nor talked to before turns around and says "YOU are going to be an attorney?!" I said yes and the branch presidents wife asked why that was so surprising. He said, "Well uh there aren't a lot of women attorneys. I'm just kidding anyway." Riiight. Whatever. Anyway, its been fun going there. Ahem.
Moving on, so I decided that my blog can no longer be titled "Life of a Law Student" because I am no longer a law student. I'm thinking, "recent grad"? or "life of a bar prep student." Or leave it until I become and attorney then change it then. I don't know...I'll have to solicit suggestions.
I forgot to share my stories about my experiences with the singles ward. So two weeks ago I was talking to this guy and he asked where I came from and I said I had just graduated from school. He asked what I graduated in and I said law school. He looked at me and walked away. Then last week I was talking to the branch presidents wife (I know the branch president and his wife. I worked at his insurance firm while in high school) and she asked if I had graduated from law school. I said yes and that I was taking the bar and then I'd be an attorney. This guy walking down the hall who I have never seen nor talked to before turns around and says "YOU are going to be an attorney?!" I said yes and the branch presidents wife asked why that was so surprising. He said, "Well uh there aren't a lot of women attorneys. I'm just kidding anyway." Riiight. Whatever. Anyway, its been fun going there. Ahem.
Moving on, so I decided that my blog can no longer be titled "Life of a Law Student" because I am no longer a law student. I'm thinking, "recent grad"? or "life of a bar prep student." Or leave it until I become and attorney then change it then. I don't know...I'll have to solicit suggestions.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
The cloud gods are messing with me!
I was in some serious need of some sunshine today. It had been weeks since I'd seen it. I don't like my air looking nice and brown. I have never been so affected by the inversion my whole time being a Utard until now. I just have this sense of gloom with me all the time. I'm working on being more chipper. But its hard with no sunshine to help out. So I got up today did my homework for bar prep, worked out, went to lunch with Linds and decided to drive to Park City to see the sun. I was driving up the canyon and its starting to get lighter and I get excited! Round the top of the canyon and what the?! Its overcast in Park City! What the crap?! I came to you Mr. Park City to see some sunshine! You failed! Failed Park City! You are now on my stink eye list Mr. Park City! Actually going to PC did put me in a better mood. As I was leaving the sun finally peaked out of the clouds for two seconds. It worked. Made me happier. What also helped with my mood was buying a Columbia jacket that is normally $90 was on clearance for the end of the season for only $40. Go team! I like this jacket. It'll be great for hiking once the bloody snow goes away. I really need to get into snow shoeing or skiing or something so I will enjoy winter more. That's my goal for next winter. I want to be an ubber sporty girl and the best way to dot hat is get my workout back on and then get out and hop on my bike, pull on my hiking shoes and just get out there. I'm pretty excited for the spring. But in the meantime I'll work on getting in my daily workouts. Ok that's it for now...except for this one quote. This was from my torts lecturer. He was talking about someone ralphing into a toilet.
"She was what we like to say talking with Ralph on the big white phone."
"She was what we like to say talking with Ralph on the big white phone."
Monday, January 11, 2010
Spoons...dirty? clean? Doesn't matter
Those of you that know me know that I have a habit of not washing spoons I have used at school. Christi is the most disgusted by this fact and often times would try to throw away my plastic spoon. She was disgusted that I didn't throw away my plastic spoon. I didn't see the point of throwing this said spoon because I thought it was wasteful and I could use it again. Granted every time I used it it tasted like the food I ate the first time. But I digress. So then I brought my spoons from home. There were times when I wouldn't wash my spoon for a bit. Disgusting? Yes. Did/do I care? Ummm...no. I'm the only one using it so who cares. Except those that kiss me I suppose. So here is the latest saga in the spoon story. I take yogurt, an apple and a luna bar to my bar prep classes for dinner. I have a spoon in my backpack that I use for my yogurt. Now I have washed this spoon actually a lot more than I ever have washed a spoon. Christi you would be proud! But I was eating my yogurt today and this guy that I have become friends with her at bar prep. His name is...uh...oh...dang...umm...Chris? Kurt? Kevin? Kyle? Ok so I don't remember but he's a nice guy. So I'm eating my yogurt today and I finish it lick my spoon and throw it back in my bag. He leans forward and says, "why do I get the feeling you never wash that spoon?" I laughed and he said, "eww." and leaned back. I think that my reputation has preceded me to bar prep. Maybe I should start washing my spoons...nah...like I said I'm the only one using it and I'm not getting kissed anytime soon. Especially from my new bar friend. :)
Friday, January 8, 2010
Looking Back on 2009
I got to thinking today that really last year was a great year for me. There are a few areas where it was, they are friends, family, experience, school, and personal growth.
Friends: 2009 started out with me hanging with my friends in Salt Lake. It was great to be back with old friends. Returning to Moscow I was back with a dear friend Christi.
She was one of the first people to talk to me when I made my crazy transfer to U of I in 2008. She told me after our first meeting that she knew we would be friends and she was right. She's been a dear friend ever since. Blood sisters right Christi? ;) Christi just so everyone knows is my favorite ever! The next time I made dear friends is when we had a stake dinner shin dig and I was asked to go play capture the flag and fugitive. It was cold and rainy but a great time! That was the second time I ever hung out With Lara.
See the first time I hung out with Lara I was hanging out with our friend Scott at my house when we were invited over to Lara's to play card games. Needless to say there was a girl there who was quite infatuated with Mr. Brinton and she was not nice to me. I after that figured Lara and the beasty were buddies and I figured it was best to stay away. Silly me. When we played capture the flag I agreed with Lara to hide the flag up in the tree. After that I knew we would be a good mischievous team. We then tormented Whitney with playing cards and have kept in touch since. I don't know what I would do without our daily chats. For the summer I decided to take classes and stay in Moscow. Best decision I could have made. First because Moscow in the summer is the greatest! Second, because I got to hang with someone I truly consider a sister, Trista!
We had a great summer. Mostly we were preoccupied with school but on those days we got sometime off we went cliff jumping (or cliff falling off for me), the Lentil Festival, dates in Lewiston, finding Janet in Genessee and long night drives. I would not have survived the summer without her. I don't know how I will survive Utah without her either. There aren't words to even describe what this girl means to me. Next is Beth.
Beth never really hung out with me until the beginning of this past semester and I am truly grateful she did. Beth understands me more than anyone I have ever met. I can talk to her about anything and she gives me the advice I need. Thanks for always being there Beth! I look forward to hanging with you this summer. Jetta, Jetta, Jetta.
Where do I start? Jetta saved my life in BA and is one of the smartest people I know. There are times when I am talking to her when I realize I really am an idiot. :) Because of Jetta I went on a great camping trip and did a road trip to Canada. See Trista and I have these great plans but we don't really follow through. But you get Jetta involved and its done! Jetta and I have taken a great bike trip to Troy and plan on biking Hiawatha in May. Jetta is a good time. Landon
is a first year law student and cracks me up. I have never had a more quick witted friend then Landon. He is an Arrested Development nut like I am and we have a good time quoting that show. I'll miss that kid. Hyrum
hmmm...how to begin this.
Hyrum was one person (besides Trista, Lara, Christi, Beth, Jetta ok he is the only guy!) that I could be completely blunt and honest with and he would keep hanging around. I never understood why. I liked the fact that we could disagree about everything but it never ruined our relationship. But here is a word of warning. Once you date a good friend and it ends don't expect to stay friends. That was the worst part of ending it. I no longer have my good friend. Well that was depressing to end on that note. So we won't. I am excited for 2010 to reconnect with those friends that have been in Utah while I've been abroad. I also look forward to meeting new friends!
Family: This year I met two new nephews. Kyle and Carson.
They both are getting to that really fun age. I also realized that while I enjoyed having my favorites I really enjoy all of my sobrinos. They all have something that cracks me up.
Experience: I have wanted to be an immigration attorney ever since my mission. I can pinpoint exactly when I decided I should look into it. It was my last week in the mission field. My companion Hermana Auxier and I were translating for Luis in a traffic suit. His attorney was meeting with him and we translated. I remember thinking that there needed to be more people like this attorney we were currently chatting with. I wanted to help the people that I had come to love during my 18 months as a missionaries.
During the summer I was in the domestic violence and sexual assault clinic. But I also had the opportunity to work in the immigration clinic. I taught a "Know your Rights" class to a group of immigrant workers. They were a great reminder as to why I was in law school. I also worked with a lady to help her get her permanent residency and an asylum seeker get prepared for his interview. It was a great learning experience and I am excited to now move on to my career.
School: Like I mentioned I went to law school solely to do immigration work.
But while in school I realized that I find property law, criminal law and juvenile law were fascinating. While my motto has and always will be "law school makes you stupid", it has also made me a better person. I have become a more compassionate person. I learned that I really can go into a courtroom and hold my own. I also graduated in 2009. I finished a semester early. I have to say I am dang proud of what I have accomplished. I completed my undergrad in 3 years,
served a mission and completed law school in 2 1/2 years. I have lived on the other side of the country and realized I could survive. Not only survive but thrive. I feel I've become a better person. Go team!
Lastly, Personal Growth: I felt on my mission that that was the time I truly found myself. That was true. I also feel this last year was another time for that. I found out that if I put my mind to it I could accomplish anything. I have goals for this upcoming year and I plan on completing them. Those include hiking Havasupai, running a half marathon, passing the bar, and doing what I can to make life better for just one person. We can always look back on our life and point out all of our regrets.
Or we can continue to move forward and try to make life more meaningful for ourselves and others. Thanks to everyone who has shaped my life to what it is today. I love and am grateful for all of you. There is no where to go but forward. I look forward to the unknown and conquering it along the way.
Friends: 2009 started out with me hanging with my friends in Salt Lake. It was great to be back with old friends. Returning to Moscow I was back with a dear friend Christi.
hmmm...how to begin this.
Family: This year I met two new nephews. Kyle and Carson.
Experience: I have wanted to be an immigration attorney ever since my mission. I can pinpoint exactly when I decided I should look into it. It was my last week in the mission field. My companion Hermana Auxier and I were translating for Luis in a traffic suit. His attorney was meeting with him and we translated. I remember thinking that there needed to be more people like this attorney we were currently chatting with. I wanted to help the people that I had come to love during my 18 months as a missionaries.
School: Like I mentioned I went to law school solely to do immigration work.


Lastly, Personal Growth: I felt on my mission that that was the time I truly found myself. That was true. I also feel this last year was another time for that. I found out that if I put my mind to it I could accomplish anything. I have goals for this upcoming year and I plan on completing them. Those include hiking Havasupai, running a half marathon, passing the bar, and doing what I can to make life better for just one person. We can always look back on our life and point out all of our regrets.

Thursday, January 7, 2010
I was talking to my friend Monica and I was remembering some funny little stories about her. So I told her I was going to blog about her. Well its true I'm going to share some stories about her. Maybe every once and awhile I'll highlight a new friend. I have some dang funny friends!
Monica:The first story involves Treasa as well. Treasa, Monica and I decided to go to San Diego for the weekend. This was before my mission so this was in what? 2003? 2004? Some where around there. We went over Valentine's Day to spend our day at the beach and forget the fact that we were single. Oddly enough both of these two are no married and I...well lets move on. Anyway, we went to Sea World and it had rained earlier that day and Treasa and I were wearing flip flops and everyone was telling us to be careful we might slip. So Treasa and I walk carefully and Monica just walks along fine because she has tennis shoes on. Monica split up from us to get a map and Treasa and I were going to the gift shop. We then see this group gathered around someone and its Monica on the ground. She had slipped. Treasa and I make sure she is ok. Then laugh and say "hey we'll see you in the giftshop." We are ubber sensitive like that. It was hilarious though.
The second story is when Monica got a kitten. It was the first day she had it and she wanted to go to the store to get the cat stuff at night. I drove and Monica wanted to take the kitten. We are driving down the road and I started smelling something foul. I turn on the lights and the cat had pooped all over Monica. It was hilarious. We had to go back so she could change and leave the cat at home. Thankfully nothing got on my car. Oh Monica! There are other funny stories but we'll save her from the rest.
HAHA!! Man those were good times. These people should watch out for the next time! Carri, Trista, Janelle, Jacque, Jenny. There are a lot of J's there. Beware!! There are more but I currently can't think of more because I'm sick and I prefer to say that that is the reason I can't think. Anyway, peace out!
Monica:The first story involves Treasa as well. Treasa, Monica and I decided to go to San Diego for the weekend. This was before my mission so this was in what? 2003? 2004? Some where around there. We went over Valentine's Day to spend our day at the beach and forget the fact that we were single. Oddly enough both of these two are no married and I...well lets move on. Anyway, we went to Sea World and it had rained earlier that day and Treasa and I were wearing flip flops and everyone was telling us to be careful we might slip. So Treasa and I walk carefully and Monica just walks along fine because she has tennis shoes on. Monica split up from us to get a map and Treasa and I were going to the gift shop. We then see this group gathered around someone and its Monica on the ground. She had slipped. Treasa and I make sure she is ok. Then laugh and say "hey we'll see you in the giftshop." We are ubber sensitive like that. It was hilarious though.
The second story is when Monica got a kitten. It was the first day she had it and she wanted to go to the store to get the cat stuff at night. I drove and Monica wanted to take the kitten. We are driving down the road and I started smelling something foul. I turn on the lights and the cat had pooped all over Monica. It was hilarious. We had to go back so she could change and leave the cat at home. Thankfully nothing got on my car. Oh Monica! There are other funny stories but we'll save her from the rest.
HAHA!! Man those were good times. These people should watch out for the next time! Carri, Trista, Janelle, Jacque, Jenny. There are a lot of J's there. Beware!! There are more but I currently can't think of more because I'm sick and I prefer to say that that is the reason I can't think. Anyway, peace out!
Monday, January 4, 2010
New Year's Resolooters
Yes you know who you are! You are the ones that decided "This year is the year! I'm going to the gym!" Then you stop going about February. You all have this great sparkly eyed ambition and you love it and pet it and then it dies. Reminds me of this clip. While I give you props for trying to make yourself better and healthier I do NOT give you props for stealing my spot in 24Set today. I finally found a parking spot at Trolley Corners and ran to the class only to find it completely filled an no where to set up shop. Disgruntled I left. Yes, yes I left! I could have ran on the treadmill, but I was sans ipod which I pretty much need so I don't kill myself with the monotonous running that is the treadmill. Running outside I can do it. So why didn't you just run outside? You are asking. Well see Salt Lake and the surrounding valley has this great thing we like to call an inversion. Its disgusting. The pollution just sits in the valley and you can't even see across the valley. It is not good to run with that kind of air. Which once again makes me miss Moscow and my clean air. I also have come down with a sore throat. I blame Nolan for coughing in my face. Although I don't think he had a sore throat so instead I'll blame it on the fact that its winter and that's just what happens. So being sick, plus cold winter air, plus gross disgusting air means no run at least outside. Now are you thinking why didn't you just go get your ipod and go back. Have no fear! I am going to the gym just not until after my bar prep class tonight. I had to come home and catch up on some barbri stuff. I slacked off on Sunday. I actually don't study on Sunday's but I was going to stay up and do it at midnight. Yes well that didn't happen. I have to take this more seriously or I am screwed. While I gave you new years resolooters some crap I do think that goals are a good thing. While I refuse to call them resolutions I am going to label them as goals. They are not year long ones but there are short term and long term. Anyway lets continue.
Short term: Complete all of the bar class requirements and take the classes seriously
Completion date: March 8, 2010
Short term: Pass the bar and the MPRE
completion date: March 8, 2010
Short term: Become a morning person...meaning get some sleep! Get up at 7:00 get to sleep by 11:30
Completion date: February 28, 2010
Short term: Keep up with the half marathon plan
Completion date: June 15, 2010
Short term: Sparkpeople continuous
completion date: February 1, 2010
Short term: Buy a house and figure out where, Utah? Idaho? Washington?
completion date: before May 1, 2010 so I can get my house credit!
Long term: get out of debt, credit card first, car second, school loans third.
Completion date: Who knows...but soon!
Ok there we go! I am going to go do my laundry and read some property law. Go team!
Short term: Complete all of the bar class requirements and take the classes seriously
Completion date: March 8, 2010
Short term: Pass the bar and the MPRE
completion date: March 8, 2010
Short term: Become a morning person...meaning get some sleep! Get up at 7:00 get to sleep by 11:30
Completion date: February 28, 2010
Short term: Keep up with the half marathon plan
Completion date: June 15, 2010
Short term: Sparkpeople continuous
completion date: February 1, 2010
Short term: Buy a house and figure out where, Utah? Idaho? Washington?
completion date: before May 1, 2010 so I can get my house credit!
Long term: get out of debt, credit card first, car second, school loans third.
Completion date: Who knows...but soon!
Ok there we go! I am going to go do my laundry and read some property law. Go team!
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