Monday, January 11, 2010

Spoons...dirty? clean? Doesn't matter

Those of you that know me know that I have a habit of not washing spoons I have used at school. Christi is the most disgusted by this fact and often times would try to throw away my plastic spoon. She was disgusted that I didn't throw away my plastic spoon. I didn't see the point of throwing this said spoon because I thought it was wasteful and I could use it again. Granted every time I used it it tasted like the food I ate the first time. But I digress. So then I brought my spoons from home. There were times when I wouldn't wash my spoon for a bit. Disgusting? Yes. Did/do I care? I'm the only one using it so who cares. Except those that kiss me I suppose. So here is the latest saga in the spoon story. I take yogurt, an apple and a luna bar to my bar prep classes for dinner. I have a spoon in my backpack that I use for my yogurt. Now I have washed this spoon actually a lot more than I ever have washed a spoon. Christi you would be proud! But I was eating my yogurt today and this guy that I have become friends with her at bar prep. His name is...uh...oh...dang...umm...Chris? Kurt? Kevin? Kyle? Ok so I don't remember but he's a nice guy. So I'm eating my yogurt today and I finish it lick my spoon and throw it back in my bag. He leans forward and says, "why do I get the feeling you never wash that spoon?" I laughed and he said, "eww." and leaned back. I think that my reputation has preceded me to bar prep. Maybe I should start washing my I said I'm the only one using it and I'm not getting kissed anytime soon. Especially from my new bar friend. :)