Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Ay de mi. What was I thinking?!

My weekend...let's just say I learned something that I should never do again. So my dear friend Jenny decided that we (Me, Jenny and Cami) needed to go try snowboarding. We signed up for a 3 hour class from Park City Mountain Resort. Locals get a deal where we get a 3 hour class which includes rentals and can bounce back 4 more times all for $25! Such a sweet deal. So we went on Friday. Got there early struggled with the botas for a while, got our boards and went and had lunch.
 Those darn boots. THAT alone was a workout!!

 Then we went to our class. Needless to say my butt hurt. I can't even tell you how many times I biffed it. Not to mention I ride goofy so that seems to make me all turned around and incorrect. I fell backwards soo many times and smacked my head a couple times. Haha!

 It was a good time though! We are planning on heading back to give it a go again. Though I'm concerned because here is what happened my friends. So after snowboarding we got back to the valley and I had to go pick up my race packet and then got a wee nap and then cleaned the temple until 1AM. Got home and then got up at 9:30 and went to the South Jordan Rec Center for my 5k race. Yes you heard right. My 5k. Let me tell you I was hurting on Friday and when I woke up on Saturday it was like I was pinned. It hurt to bad to move. But I did and took two Tylenol. I was expecting to walk my whole 5k...the whole thing. I get to the start and its FREEZING! The wind was blowing...no bueno. I decided that my goal was going to be run 5 minutes and then if I had to walk the rest I did. So race starts and I commit the rookie mistake...granted I'm still a rookie this being only my second race. But I started off too fast to try to get away from the pack when in reality the pack thins out on its own. I was worried that was going to hurt me. But surprise surprise! I actually ran the majority of the way and I cut 2 minutes off my race time. TWO minutes! How awesome is that?! I was so stoked. So I got my race card and water and I felt it. The pain was coming. I quickly waddled to my car and just cried for 5 minutes. Haha! It was terrible. I had never been that sore before. Saturday was HORRIBLE! I hated moving and tried not to a lot of the day. Thankfully it got better and today the only pain I have is in my tailbone. But this is what I said to my friend Carri describing my weekend. (She said I inspired her to be more active and I decided that I needed to be honest with her about it! :D) "I'm not going to lie Carri, going snowboarding then running a 5k was probably the stupidest thing I have ever done."And its true it was but I was also so proud of myself for not giving in and not doing the 5k and not only did I do it I kicked butt! Woot woot! But seriously snowboarding + 5k= will NEVER happen again! *maybe* :)

Friday, February 4, 2011

*Sigh* I can't win

My Cuban client told me yesterday that I should really brush my hair because I looked like a witch. I'm a little offended because I thought my hair looked halfway decent yesterday! But no apparently I looked like this all day...
 My client also told me I shouldn't be offended because "we were like family". Uh no because if you were my family I would have hit you by now. This is the same client that told me I better have kids soon because I'll be infertile by 30.