Tuesday, November 18, 2008


So I've been playing on youtube lately and decided to post a few of my favorite videos.

Hilarious! Watch the guys in the back when the tempo changes. They crack me up!

Ok here's the second one. I love Stephen Colbert!

The last one is Jim Gaffigan. He's dang funny without all the swears.

Ok enjoy! I'm always up for other funny videos so send some on if you'd like.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I've Been Tagged By Treasa

Here are the rules:
1. Post the rules on your blog
2. Answer the six "8" items.
3. Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.
8 Favorite TV Shows:
(I have a TV but no cable...yay country living! But these are my favorite shows)
1. The Office
2. Project Runway
3. Law & Order SVU
4. Top Chef
5. Law and Order-original flavor
6. Reno 911!
7. Colbert Report
8. The Simpson's
8 Things I Did Yesterday:
1. went to the gym, had head phones break so no music...and I had HSM in my head! Horrible!
2. went to school
3. got prepped on the tax clinic
4. skipped class to do more tax prep, translating intake forms
5. got yelled for speaking Spanish to someone
6. Read BA
7. Made spaghetti sauce
8. got stood up for a lesson at the institute
8 Things I Look Forward To:
1. No more school!
2. Getting my International Law paper done
3. Thanksgiving
4. getting my hair fixed..my roots are horrible
5. Finals! I only have 3!
6. Christmas break! Yes I need a break!
7. Going to DC to visit Becky and her family
8. sleeping
8 Favorite Restaurants:
1. Lupita's in Morristown, TN
2. Baggai
3. Cafe Rio
4. El Habanero in Magna
5. The Metropolitan
6. Sari Sushi Bar in Orlando
7. Tucci's
8. Lamb's Grill
8 Things On My Wish List:
1. Graduating Early!
2. a job
3. a house
4. Debt free...HA! Funny
5. The new MacBook
6. all the seasons of Pysche
7. new clothes
8. Get to a size 8 by next fall
8 People I Tag:
1. Janelle
2. Amanda
3. Katie
4. BreeAnn
5. Angela
6. Penny
7. Becky
8. Nanny

Saturday, November 8, 2008


My sweet niece called me today to wish me a Happy Birthday. Oh nice! She thinks I'm only 20. I was thinking about that. Now I don't want to be 20 or even 21 again...but the 24 year range would be nice. I just feel old 26 is old. I mean when you're twelve you never think you're going to ever be 26. Well today I am. Wahoo! But really I'm happy with how my life has gone thus far. I graduated from the University of Utah in three years, I served a mission and learned Spanish, which directed me where I am today. I moved to Florida alone and started law school, now I've moved to Idaho and am going to hopefully graduate early and become an attorney by February of 2010. I've accomplished a lot and look forward to continuing to accomplish things. I'll have my own firm someday. :) Granted this wasn't what I expected when I essentially planned out my life. But who can fully plan their life out? But things are good and I look forward to another 26 years! :D For the b-day a friend and I are going to go to the big city...Spokane. We are going to shop, get pedis, go to a movie, and go to dinner. I'm quite excited actually. I'll post pictures if I ever take any...who knows its supposed to be rainy. Anyway, I'm off! Word!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Go Vote!!!

Hey everyone! I just wanted to take two seconds to tell you all to go vote! You all know how important it is to vote. It doesn't matter who you are voting for just exercise your right to have your voice heard! In my opinion both presidential candidates could do some good for the country. They also have their faults as we all do. So take the time today and vote. I'm sure you've heard everyone saying its a historical election. It truly is! So take the time to be a part of it. Ok I'll get off my soap box now.