Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I've Been Tagged By Treasa

Here are the rules:
1. Post the rules on your blog
2. Answer the six "8" items.
3. Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.
8 Favorite TV Shows:
(I have a TV but no cable...yay country living! But these are my favorite shows)
1. The Office
2. Project Runway
3. Law & Order SVU
4. Top Chef
5. Law and Order-original flavor
6. Reno 911!
7. Colbert Report
8. The Simpson's
8 Things I Did Yesterday:
1. went to the gym, had head phones break so no music...and I had HSM in my head! Horrible!
2. went to school
3. got prepped on the tax clinic
4. skipped class to do more tax prep, translating intake forms
5. got yelled for speaking Spanish to someone
6. Read BA
7. Made spaghetti sauce
8. got stood up for a lesson at the institute
8 Things I Look Forward To:
1. No more school!
2. Getting my International Law paper done
3. Thanksgiving
4. getting my hair roots are horrible
5. Finals! I only have 3!
6. Christmas break! Yes I need a break!
7. Going to DC to visit Becky and her family
8. sleeping
8 Favorite Restaurants:
1. Lupita's in Morristown, TN
2. Baggai
3. Cafe Rio
4. El Habanero in Magna
5. The Metropolitan
6. Sari Sushi Bar in Orlando
7. Tucci's
8. Lamb's Grill
8 Things On My Wish List:
1. Graduating Early!
2. a job
3. a house
4. Debt free...HA! Funny
5. The new MacBook
6. all the seasons of Pysche
7. new clothes
8. Get to a size 8 by next fall
8 People I Tag:
1. Janelle
2. Amanda
3. Katie
4. BreeAnn
5. Angela
6. Penny
7. Becky
8. Nanny

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