Monday, March 23, 2009

Washington DC, Sickness and a Dead Car Battery

For spring break I went to Washington DC. My sister moved there because her husband is working for the State Department as a Foreign Services Officer. They are headed to Mexico in June. They are going to Nuevo Laredo. That would be a border town. That could be exciting but I'm sure things will be fine. So I got to DC on Saturday the 14th. I went to church with them on Sunday and slept off the jetlag the rest of the day. Monday we went to the Air and Space Museum at Dulles International Airport. It was cool. I'm a total nerd for the helicopters. It was cool. That night Becky took me down to the Jefferson Memorial to take some night photos of momuments. But it was raining a lot so they didn't turn out so well. Tuesday I went off on my own. I rode the metro to the Mall and walked fromt he Smithsonian up to the Supreme Court behind the Capitol. On my way to the Supreme Court I got to see Pres. Obama coming out of the Capitol. My pics aren't that great with that because I was far away. But it was cool. Even if you don't like Obama its still cool to see your Pres. I spent most of my time at the Supreme Court that day. I'm a total law student. The security guard laughed at me because I was all giddy about the Justice Marshall exhibit. I then walked down to the Smithsonian Natural History Museum. It was cool. Then went to the American History Museum and only spent a little time there because they were closing. I then went to the National Archives and saw the Constitution, Declaration of Independence, and Bill of Rights. On Wednesday I went with Becky and the kids to go check out the monuments. We started at the Jefferson Memorial and walked the circle to the FDR, Korea, Lincoln Memorial, Vietnam, WWII, and Washington Monument. It was fun and finally sunny for once. Thursday I went on my own again to the Library of Congress, really cool building and the Supreme Court again...mostly to get things for the law student friends. Then I went to Arlington Cemetary. I saw the changing of the guard. That is really cool! I also saw JFK's memorial. Friday my sister and the kids and I went to the National Zoo...really nice zoo and its free! I saw the baby gorilla. It's so cute! Then that night I met up with Steve Schaefermeyer and his roommate Loren for dinner. They both are going to law school next fall and are checking out schools. So I don't remember Steve being as tall or as big as he is. I came to maybe Steve's soulder. It was weird and Loren is tall too. So I was walking between two really tall guys and I felt really short. Saturday we went to Fort McHenry in Baltimore. That is where Francis Scott Key was when he wrote the Star Spangled Banner durig the War of 1812. Then I flew home. Wahoo.

So the sickness came from the DC metro. I got sick on Thursday and its just gotten worse. It's Sunday and I currently have no voice. I have a cough and sore throat. The reason why it annoys me is because I've been wanting to get sick all semester so I could miss class. But no it happens over Spring Break. But I don't think I'm going to class tomorrow anyway.
I came home on Saturday and got in my car to go buy medicine for my cold and my car battery was complety dead. So I called my friend back who picked me up and we tried to be manly girls and jump my car on our own. It was in pouring rain too. However, that was not going to work. We tried we really did. We thought we were cool because we actually had jumper cables! But I couldn't remeber how to do it. So I ended up calling my friend Scott to come help us out. I was really appreciative. I now need to repay him some how. But now my car is fixed and we are all happy. I'm glad to be home. I really enjoyed my trip and spending time with my sister and her family. But there is just something about your own bed when you are sick that makes things better. Well that's it. I'm out!

Friday, March 13, 2009

"Mr. Chief Justice"

Chief Justice John G. Roberts was at the Bellwood Lecture today. He is really cool. Really articulate and humble. In the morning we had a breakfast and then a Q & A with the Chief Justice. It was cool except on the panel we had a jerkface from Washington State University. The Q&A was essentially for the law students to ask questions. But they had the panel there to ask a few questions and then leave it open for us. Well this guy took 45 minutes! So we only had 20 minutes to ask questions. But CJ Roberts was really cool because he said that he would stay longer and answer more questions. But they had to end it. Then we had the main lecture that afternoon. The Chief Justice talked about Lincoln and how he was a great attorney and man. It was good. Then he opened the floor for questions and this crazy lady wanted to know why the Supreme Court wouldn't listen to her case about allowing Obama to become president when he isn't a US citizen and she was going off. So the Chief Justice interuppted her said that she could leave her papers with the security and he would look them over and that due to his position he could not discuss cases and ended it. Smooth! That is how you do it! We also were told a story about him. On Monday the Supreme Court held a dinner for the new senators. The dinner started at 6:30 and the Chief Justice was an hour and a half late. Because his son had a pinewood derby at the same time. So he went to that instead. How cool is that?! Anyway it was really great and I enjoyed it and CJ Roberts is my new favorite justice. It was Rehinquist but not as much. CJ Roberts gave a quote from him about balance in your life. It was "if you want to be with your kids when they are little, you need to be with them when they are little." Pretty cool. I know I'm a nerd.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


So its been ages since I wrote here and since I'm being a slacker in the school regard I thought I'd update the blog. Its finally Spring in the Palouse. (That's the name of the area around here) I'm really excited because after months of no sun it finally showed up today and I love it. I unfortunately did not get up to go for a run this morning and it is a perfect day to do it too. But I will go tonight. I am having the sister missionaries over for dinner tonight and I made low fat enchiladas. I don't know if they will turn out but I'm going to see what happens. So on Monday I went for a lovely run outside and I was really excited because it was a long run and I thought that I had cut down on my running time. So I get home check my Nike+ and guess what?! It didn't detect anything! I was so annoyed. I think I need a new sensor or new shoes. Well for sure I need new shoes but I spent the money I had set aside for it on an aerogarden. I'm an idiot. I bid for the aerogarden on ebay and actually won it. Its an indoor garden thing and I plan on growing herbs. Not the illegal kind. That's for the closet. But I was really excited about it until I realized I didn't have the money for it and I should have used that money for new running shoes. Like I said I'm an idiot.
Speaking of idiots Chief Justice John Roberts is coming to the law school to speak on the 13th. Really I don't think he's an idiot I just needed a segway. But I'm really excited he is coming and look forward to hearing what he has to say. For those of you that don't know CJ Roberts is the chief justice of the US Supreme Court. He's the one that messed up the oath for Obama. I was totally law nerding out and doing all sorts of google searches on him. It should be good. Then that morning I am flying to Washington DC for spring break. I'm totally stoked for that one! Besides the fact that I have to get up at 4:00am to drive to Spokane.
Ok one last thing. So I was a participant in a skit at a talent show last Friday. I played my Bishop's wife. Well in this we teased her about a little date club she and the Bishop have. They invite people over on Friday and they have dinner and play games. Well after this skit she's been threatening me that I might have to go do it sometime. I'm concerned.

Update: It snowed yesterday....and its freezing today. So much for Spring. Stupid snow.