Friday, March 13, 2009

"Mr. Chief Justice"

Chief Justice John G. Roberts was at the Bellwood Lecture today. He is really cool. Really articulate and humble. In the morning we had a breakfast and then a Q & A with the Chief Justice. It was cool except on the panel we had a jerkface from Washington State University. The Q&A was essentially for the law students to ask questions. But they had the panel there to ask a few questions and then leave it open for us. Well this guy took 45 minutes! So we only had 20 minutes to ask questions. But CJ Roberts was really cool because he said that he would stay longer and answer more questions. But they had to end it. Then we had the main lecture that afternoon. The Chief Justice talked about Lincoln and how he was a great attorney and man. It was good. Then he opened the floor for questions and this crazy lady wanted to know why the Supreme Court wouldn't listen to her case about allowing Obama to become president when he isn't a US citizen and she was going off. So the Chief Justice interuppted her said that she could leave her papers with the security and he would look them over and that due to his position he could not discuss cases and ended it. Smooth! That is how you do it! We also were told a story about him. On Monday the Supreme Court held a dinner for the new senators. The dinner started at 6:30 and the Chief Justice was an hour and a half late. Because his son had a pinewood derby at the same time. So he went to that instead. How cool is that?! Anyway it was really great and I enjoyed it and CJ Roberts is my new favorite justice. It was Rehinquist but not as much. CJ Roberts gave a quote from him about balance in your life. It was "if you want to be with your kids when they are little, you need to be with them when they are little." Pretty cool. I know I'm a nerd.


  1. That is awesome and sounds like a great opportunity. I think it would be neat to meet and talk to a Chief Justic so I am a tiny bit jealous. Sorry some people were so so lame and took up your time... but at least he was cool about it. I like the Pine Wood Derby story as well. It puts perspective on life and the things that are important.

  2. That's cool! You are a law nerd. Its okay. I'm all obsessed with cake people. Glad you go to meet him!
