Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Return of "Things That Must Go"!

So I have decided to bring back "things that must go Thursday." Hooray! :)
#1: People thinking the pool at 24Hour Fitness is the country club pool. Listen missy you and your boyfriend are taking up a lane I could be using to swim. This is not a place for you two to be all flirty and kissy playing around. You want to do that? Go to the community pool! I know who you are too. You are these girls that come in a skimpy little bikini. Which is fine for the hot tub but for the pool I don't buy the fact that you are a serious swimmer in that. From my experience (read my last post) you won't be able to hold too much in with those pasties you are wearing. I learned a new offensive word from my dear friend Abby yesterday. Don't make me use it on you.
#2: My eyes hurting and not being able to wear contacts.
#3: Swimming with no contacts or glasses. Would be fine right? You follow the line right? Wrong.
#4: Running into a guy swimming in a lane that I thought was empty because I could not see him in the lane with no contacts...
#5: Paying full price for books 1-5 of Harry Potter only to find out I could have been getting them at Barnes and for 50% off!
#6: Barnes and Noble delaying my shipment of book 6 but not book 7. I need book 6! 7 can wait!
#7: Christi's stupid sorting hat that keeps saying I belong in Hufflepuff...stupid Hufflepuff.
#8: Having that stupid "I wanna be a billionaire" song in my head. I HATE that song! Get out!
Ok I think that's it for now! Feel free to contribute!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Two Things About Swimming

#1: There is a guy at the gym that I see swimming laps while I am there. He doesn't swim as long as I do but he usually goes to the sauna and the hot tub while I'm still swimming. I swim for a full hour. That is 40 laps. 1 lap equals one up and back. So if we are counting one way I do 80 laps. So this guy after my swim tonight asked if I had a good swim and how many laps I swam. I said 40. He said "that's not bad." Then I realized that he probably only counts a lap as one down not two like I do. So now this guy thinks it takes me an hour to swim 40 laps which in reality it takes me an hour to swim 80! Boo...

#2: The second one is a story. Whilst swimming tonight I felt some weird tugging on my swimming suit on one side. But I'm trying to stay focused and not worry about it right? So I do a few more laps and decide I can't handle it anymore so I have to stop. I don't really like to stop because once I get into a rhythm I like to stay with it. So I stop at the shallow end of the pool stand up look down and well let's just say I had a Janet Jackson Super Bowl wardrobe malfunction. Thankfully there was no one in the pool at this time. I quickly corrected the situation and went back to swimming. I have such issues sometimes!

Sunday, May 2, 2010


Hey everyone! So this is going to be a short post so enjoy this little nugget! So here's a quick update on what is going on. First off I got a calling in the family ward. Now let me explain something here. I was not wanting to go to the singles ward and I was fighting it. Well I decided to go with my friend Monica to the ward she is supposed to go to. So I went a few times and hated every minute of it. So then I decided I needed to have a better attitude about everything. I worked on it and I chose to go to the ward I am supposed to go to last Sunday. So I went I finally decided I could do the singles ward and get involved and maybe even enjoy it. My reason for deciding to go tot he singles ward is because that is what we are supposed to do as young single adults right? Right. So I finally have a good attitude and ready to do the whole single thing. Wahoo! I'm ready to do this! Yeah not quite. Last Tuesday I got a call from my family ward and they called me to be in the Young Women's presidency as the secretary. So much for the singles ward and my goal. Awesome.

The second thing is that this Saturday my mom and I went to Empty Bowls. It is a fundraiser to help St. Vincent's soup kitchen in Salt Lake City. There are local artists who make clay bowls and donate them to the event. So you go and pick out bowls they cost $15 and then you get soup. It was really cool! Here are pics of my two bowls I got.

 You can't tell from the pic but the whiteish bowl is actually pink and purple...the brown one is my new ice cream bowl. I guess I need to go buy ice cream to try it out. Dang it. :D
 Its cool because it helps out my work! :) Only a different part of it. Good times! I recommend people go next year. Its an annual event.