Monday, May 10, 2010

Two Things About Swimming

#1: There is a guy at the gym that I see swimming laps while I am there. He doesn't swim as long as I do but he usually goes to the sauna and the hot tub while I'm still swimming. I swim for a full hour. That is 40 laps. 1 lap equals one up and back. So if we are counting one way I do 80 laps. So this guy after my swim tonight asked if I had a good swim and how many laps I swam. I said 40. He said "that's not bad." Then I realized that he probably only counts a lap as one down not two like I do. So now this guy thinks it takes me an hour to swim 40 laps which in reality it takes me an hour to swim 80! Boo...

#2: The second one is a story. Whilst swimming tonight I felt some weird tugging on my swimming suit on one side. But I'm trying to stay focused and not worry about it right? So I do a few more laps and decide I can't handle it anymore so I have to stop. I don't really like to stop because once I get into a rhythm I like to stay with it. So I stop at the shallow end of the pool stand up look down and well let's just say I had a Janet Jackson Super Bowl wardrobe malfunction. Thankfully there was no one in the pool at this time. I quickly corrected the situation and went back to swimming. I have such issues sometimes!

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