Sunday, January 24, 2010

I had a few thoughts...

I had a couple thoughts about A&E today. Not the Arts & Entertainment channel, Adam and/or Eve. As some of you know we are studying the Old Testament. I had a few thoughts while in Sunday school today. First thought, what do you think Adam and Eve talked about in the garden? I mean really, they have no knowledge and so what were their conversations? "Hey honey! There's a new flower over by the apple tree." Woo...stimulating conversation. Here is my second thought, Adam totally sold Eve out! I mean the Lord said "Adam did you take of the fruit?" Adam answers with, "dude you know that chick you gave me? Totally her fault." Isn't that like a guy? Those are just a few thoughts I had.


  1. If you read in Moses, I believe it is Chapter 5:10-12 you will see he didn't sell her out.

  2. That's where I was reading and I still say he sold her out. Could be just the movie going on in my head whilst reading...

  3. Hilarious, McKenny. Deep thoughts right there. That why I like you :)
