Monday, January 4, 2010

New Year's Resolooters

Yes you know who you are! You are the ones that decided "This year is the year! I'm going to the gym!" Then you stop going about February. You all have this great sparkly eyed ambition and you love it and pet it and then it dies. Reminds me of this clip. While I give you props for trying to make yourself better and healthier I do NOT give you props for stealing my spot in 24Set today. I finally found a parking spot at Trolley Corners and ran to the class only to find it completely filled an no where to set up shop. Disgruntled I left. Yes, yes I left! I could have ran on the treadmill, but I was sans ipod which I pretty much need so I don't kill myself with the monotonous running that is the treadmill. Running outside I can do it. So why didn't you just run outside? You are asking. Well see Salt Lake and the surrounding valley has this great thing we like to call an inversion. Its disgusting. The pollution just sits in the valley and you can't even see across the valley. It is not good to run with that kind of air. Which once again makes me miss Moscow and my clean air. I also have come down with a sore throat. I blame Nolan for coughing in my face. Although I don't think he had a sore throat so instead I'll blame it on the fact that its winter and that's just what happens. So being sick, plus cold winter air, plus gross disgusting air means no run at least outside. Now are you thinking why didn't you just go get your ipod and go back. Have no fear! I am going to the gym just not until after my bar prep class tonight. I had to come home and catch up on some barbri stuff. I slacked off on Sunday. I actually don't study on Sunday's but I was going to stay up and do it at midnight. Yes well that didn't happen. I have to take this more seriously or I am screwed. While I gave you new years resolooters some crap I do think that goals are a good thing. While I refuse to call them resolutions I am going to label them as goals. They are not year long ones but there are short term and long term. Anyway lets continue.

Short term: Complete all of the bar class requirements and take the classes seriously
Completion date: March 8, 2010

Short term: Pass the bar and the MPRE
completion date: March 8, 2010

Short term: Become a morning person...meaning get some sleep! Get up at 7:00 get to sleep by 11:30
Completion date: February 28, 2010

Short term: Keep up with the half marathon plan
Completion date: June 15, 2010

Short term: Sparkpeople continuous
completion date: February 1, 2010

Short term: Buy a house and figure out where, Utah? Idaho? Washington?
completion date: before May 1, 2010 so I can get my house credit!

Long term: get out of debt, credit card first, car second, school loans third.
Completion date: Who knows...but soon!

Ok there we go! I am going to go do my laundry and read some property law. Go team!


  1. i love that you set short and long term fashion....

  2. I used the term "inversion" up here once and nobody knew what I was talking about. So I'm glad that you know what an inversion is. Maybe they'll ask it on the bar... I made it back to Moscow, and it's cold and lonely. I miss you. Good luck with your goals.
