Tuesday, February 9, 2010

A Faceplant and Falling Pants...

First off my frustration. I love running. That is my exercise of choice. It is an exercise that challenges me physically and mentally. It helps release my stress and thankfully that has been my replacement for food. Well lately my ACL knee is mad at me. So I've had to cut way down on my miles. So Monday I ran only 2 miles. Of course the knee was mad so I bought a knee brace and have been icing it. So then today I decided just to keep in the mindset of running I'd only do a mile today. Well I started on my run and the knee wouldn't let me. I ended up walking my mile and I wanted to cry. I miss running. But I guess I have to suck it up until the things get better. Its just depressing. So to feel like I'm still getting a workout I go to 24Hour Fitness classes at night. Last night was 24Set. Weight training mixed with cardio. Tonight I did 1 hour of cycling class and then right after 1 hour of yoga. Which leads me into the funny. 2 stories for you.
#1 So cycling always makes me ubber sweaty because its a tough class but I love it. So I was all sweaty and gross from cycling and I went into yoga. I went into the studio set up my mat and then went and changed into my yoga clothes. I ran back upstairs and the class had already started. I was still sweaty and gross and I went into my first downward facing dog after the warm up...well apparently I got either water or sweat on my mat and I put my hands out moved back into the downward facing dog and totally slipped and face planted on my mat. You can't see it but I have mat burn on my nose. It was pretty awesome! But as Janelle said story number 2 is better.
#2: So my Dad told me a story about a guy who worked at the church had his car die and he counted 90 cars in the church office building parking garage drive past him until someone finally stopped. So I was driving back home from the gym and this guys car died. So I about went around and then remembered my dad's story. So I stopped and asked if I could help because no one else was. This was at 5400 South and Bangerter Highway. If you are not familiar with Bangerter Highway it is pretty big and really busy. The guy said that if I could help him push his car across Bangerter to the gas station that would be great. So I park my car and the light changes and I start pushing (FYI a new cadilac Escalada truck is not the lightest car I have ever pushed) So we are pushing and its moving and then these two guys come help. We are in the middle of the intersection and I am wearing my yoga pants that are too big for me but I like them. Well I stepped on one leg and ended up pulling my pants down in the middle of Bangerter Highway. Thankfully I had other shorts on underneath or everyone on Bangerter would have seen my skivvies.
Ah yes. There we go...I try to be normal and it just doesn't work.


  1. No such thing as normal....guess someone is too sexy for their pants eh? Nice work champ!

  2. Ha ha ha ha!!!!! I mean, way to be a good Samaritan! :)
