Thursday, July 30, 2009

Workout uh...Thursday

Janelle was nice enough today to remind me that I failed to post yesterday. Whoops! These posts by the way are going to be short little things. Not long reads you would take into the bathroom. Which by the way if you are taking me into the bathroom I'm a little concerned about our relationship. Ok so working out.
Last week was awesome! I got up at 6:00 and went for runs and it was awesome! This week not so much. I rode my bike to the library yesterday and I actually really liked that ride. It was a fun ride back. The only other thing I did was park at the end of the parking lot at Harmon's. Woo. My issue is not having any energy. Which maybe I should address this on Foodie Friday but I am wondering what foods I can eat to get more energy. But yes like I said I'll address that on Friday. But if anyone has suggestions now that would be great! Ok I'm going to the library to study for the stupid MPRE (that's the ethics exam for being admitted to the bar) and I'm going to bike again. But I think I'll pick a library further away. We shall see!


  1. The energy could be due to multiple things such as 1)not enough sleep-I know you are not getting enough, 2)not enough protein- try eating some eggs for breakfast and nuts throughout the day, 3) dehydration- in the summer, especially if you are exercising, you need to drink more water. So the eight glasses of eight oz. is actually more so and you need to add in electrolytes such as gatorade or eat a banana.

  2. Gatorade tastes funny. But I'll go for eating a banana. Lara you are my fitness/cynical soul mate! Haha! Thanks for the tips. I'll see what I can do.
