Sunday, July 26, 2009

Woot Woot! A little over 4 months left!

No I'm not pregnant. Sorry that just sounded like I was counting down to my delivery date. What I am counting down to is my last day of law school! EVER! Not only law school but school period! I am so stoked. I am tired of school. I'm ready to get a job again! If that means flipping burgers I'll do it just so I can have an income. Ok no not really I haven't gone to school for almost 2 1/2 years to work at a fast food place. Although I do have to pay those school loans back some how. *shudder* school loans. But I plan on working to get them paid off pretty quickly. And for those of you who think my loans are unnecessary yeah you try going to law school with no loans. If you do it I would be incredibly shocked. Its just not possible. Anyway moving on. So I've been down in West Valley for a little over a week and its been good to be back with the family and friends. But at the same time I miss Moscow and my little life up there. Although that varies, sometimes I don't want to go back and I just want to stay and hang with family and friends. Its all very conflicting. Janelle did bring over a great incentive to want to stay tonight. Mmmm....cake balls. I'd attempt to make them but I'm sucky at cake so you'll have to ask her for some. They are cake formed into balls...hence the name...and covered in white chocolate. Mmmhmm. That doesn't really help with my trying to be healthy thing but I only had one so its all good. And they were gluten free and you couldn't even tell. Really though I like her gluten free cake. Its not bad at all. Anyway, this is not a blog on Janelle. Although I'm sure you would love that.

So my other little thing I wanted to address are the great little comments I've received since I've been back to visit. I am saying your names because it just adds so much to it. Just because I quote you doesn't mean the quotes were bad, just amusing to me.
Topic: Marriage
My dad: "You don't need love to get married...they used to have arranged marriages you know."
Janelle Ertmann: "You should get married so then we know which Sis. McKenzie people are talking about. But only for that reason."
Josh Ertmann: "What's your problem? Too picky?" "Just realize that all guys are really flawed."
Random lady at church: "You are getting older aren't you? When are you getting married?"
Sue Turley: (this one was when she invited me to a YSA activity) "There are lots of old people there!"
Becky McKenzie: "See but if they (future husband) does something stupid before you are married you can tease them about it your whole married life! Then you get your revenge."

Topic: My schooling
Louise Webb: "Don't get a big head on you though." "I'm serious don't go thinking you are better than us!"
Norma Fisher: "Immigration law right? Helping those illegals I assume."
Another random lady at church: "Well then aren't you ambitious." (I'm not sure in what way she meant to say a good thing or sarcastic.)

I like this quote thing! So here are some favorite random quotes from people.
Lara Hartman: "She has the freak flag but doesn't fly it."
Trista Robison: "We can find two lesbians in Genessee but not the Kendrick pool!"
Someone from the legal clinic: "Are we a clinic for the nutty? We should put that on our letterhead."
Carri Shore: "Someone just asked me when I was due...I'm going on a diet right now!" (She had a baby in May)
More to come I am sure! Well that's it for me. Peace and love all!

1 comment:

  1. haha. nice. I love the quotes! When are you going back to Moscow? We have to hurry and get settled in our house so we can have you and Monica over before you leave!
