Saturday, August 30, 2008

Добро пожаловать в Москву

That means "welcome to Moscow" in Russian. At least that's what said it means. Who knows they could be lying to me. I'd have no idea. Well I've moved. To Moscow. Ha! You wished it was something cool like Moscow, Russia. Ok I wish it was something cool like that. No, no I've moved to Moscow, Idaho. I was sitting in my apartment in Orlando a week and half ago waiting for Fay to come, classes got canceled, so I was in my house when I got a call at about 8:00 at night when University of Idaho called and said that I'd been accepted as a transfer. So I stayed up until 6:00 AM packing up my apartment and cleaning it. I went and withdrew from school that morning and then picked my dad up at the airport, we got a uhaul, and got started packing it up when Fay came in all her bloody glory. Let me tell you it sucks to move during a freaking hurricane! All my stuff was soaked. We finally finished up at about 10:30 PM and headed out. My car had some car trouble and we had to stop in Chattanooga to get it fixed. So that took a little while. After that we were off and we drove straight through. We only stopped for gas. I'm telling you that is not a fun drive! 35 hours in a car non-stop. *shudder* I do not want to do that again. So I made it to Moscow on sunday night, went to class Monday morning and thankfully found a place that day. I'm in a cute little townhome a little outside the town. It has two bed rooms so I'm getting a roommate. Which that story is really odd. So I went by the institute on campus to see if any apartment listings were there. So I'm walking around the building and this kid says "hey are you new?" "yes" "great! i've been waiting for you." Uh what? So he explains that he talked to Bishop Lingren...Who? I've never heard of this man. So it turns out this kids girlfriend is moving up her on the 5th and she wanted a place to live with a member of the church. It was so weird. When I found my place this girl called and she had this kid come over and check it out. So he does and now we're roommates. It was all really weird. I don't know how I feel about having a roommate after not for so long. Oh well she'll probably be married soon anyway. "Why so gloomy? Its better than being butcher." "I like being butcher. You know who your killing...and why." If anyone can name the movie I'm currently watching I'll give you ten bucks the next time I see you. Ok back to what I'm talking about. Moscow is interesting, its weird to live in a town that is completely quiet at 10:00PM...well except around the frat houses. I had friends in Orlando who wouldn't even go out until midnight. But I'm learning to really like the Northwest. Its colder than Florida, obviously, but there are a lot of recreational things to do and I'm excited to really get into them. I'm going to buy a bike soon and I already have a few trails that I want to try out. I'm an hour and half away from Spokane so for Labor day I'm going to go check it out. So a few things that I really like about Moscow. 1: Moscow Co-op, this great store has all things organic! Its a great little grocery store. I love getting vegetables there and my cheese. The other great thing is that its all locally grown. I'm totally into buying local. 2: my running route. Around my house there is this great trail that goes through town into the country. I ran part of it on Thursday and ran more today. I ran 4 miles on it today and I have no idea where it ends or begins. Its really good though. 3: My school. I really like my school, granted there are a few things that I miss about FAMU, but overall University of Idaho (McCain's VP Palin graduated from my school...just a little political info for you.) Law school is great. My main reason for transferring was the immigration clinic they have. So I'm excited to get started on that next summer. 4: The weather. I know its cold but honestly I'm excited for the four seasons. I really missed not having fall last year. They also tell me that it snows here but doesn't really last. But I guess last year it was bad. So we'll see. and finally 5: the car registration. I know that sounds funny but honestly I'm happy that they don't have safety or emissions here. I can register my car here in Idaho for $20. Seriously $20 and no safety or emissions inspection. I got a ticket in Florida for $91 for expired registration. So I'm glad that I can get my car registered and no more tickets. One last thing. I went and donated blood on Friday and I filled the whole bag of blood in less than 5 minutes! That's quick! I like donating blood for a few reasons, first its a great things to do and also its a great way for me to check my health. :) For example yesterday my resting heart rate was 50 and my bp was 107/70. Which is really low. I'm glad. I haven't been working out that well lately...mostly because of the moving. So it was good to hear that I'm not a complete slob. Well anyway, I'm going to get back to watching my movie. So I'm out! word!

1 comment:

  1. Is it Sweeney Todd?
    I'm glad you're liking Moscow. It sounds kind of fun. I hope you like your new roomate. Yea for cold weather!
