Monday, August 18, 2008

Boy Bands and Hurricanes

I've been channeling my inner teenager these past two days and its been great! I don't know why but yesterday I really wanted to hear some Backstreet Boys. Weird I know. So I went to good 'ole Itunes and downloaded some Backstreet Boys, Nsync, and BBMAK. I've been jamming to them all day today! While I cleaned my house, while I studied and my drive to and from school. Its been fun. I remember going to every BBMAK concert while they preformed at Disneyland on concert choir tour with school. We camped out just to get front stage with them. It was awesome! Then I remember I bought a cassette tape, yes a cassette tape, of them for my crappy little car and Janelle and i used to drive around and listen to that tape until it died. It was great fun. I'm going to sound like an old lady for a second but music that high school kids like now sucks! I mean there are so many bands and singers that all sound the same. What happened to the Foo Fighters and Red Hot Chili Peppers? I even remember Nirvana before Kurt kicked it. Those are good bands that have been around forever. Granted the Foo Fighters didn't come around until after Kurt kicked it because Dave Grohl was part of Nirvana. But still! I thank my brothers for their influence on my music choices...because with out them I probably would have been in the Whitney, Phil Collins, country group...shudder! But thanks to my brother scaring me half to death with Metallica's Inner Sandman I am now more music wise. :) Seriously that song made me not want to go to sleep as a little kid. Love it now but not then. I'm also going to be an old lady and admit that I have hit the point in my life where some stores are just too young for me. You've seen them the stores that you thought you could shop in but once you go in you realize that you are the oldest one there by almost 6 years. Well that was my experience on Saturday at the Florida Mall. I went into Areopostal looked at some clothes and the,no the kids and walked out. I'm way to old to try to pull that off! However, I realized that me wearing indoor soccer shoes, a tshirt and this certain pair of jeans makes me look like a teenager. I was walking out to my car this morning on my way to class when this girl asked me if I was a senior like her at Ocoee High. What?! I do not look 17! I decided I should try a little harder not to be so casual.
Now on to hurricanes. We have one coming and I am so excited! I'm strange I know but I've never been in one and I kind of want to see what they are like. So class got canceled tomorrow and possibly wednesday because of it. I've been looking at the radar and I decided its lying. I'm also looking out my window and there are a few clouds but really nothing. I'm pretty bummed! I want some rain and wind the whole works! Don't think I'm too crazy though, its probably going to be down graded to a tropical storm once it actually hits land. If that was like a category 5 hurricane I would not be so cool about it. But either way I'm ready for Fay! My friend described being in a hurricane like being in a fish tank. I'm interested to see if that's what its like. Well now that I have a free night I'm going to go make dinner, by the way I'm screwed on the food thing if this turns out to be bigger than it is...I have food for maybe two days...if I eat my shoe along with it...anyway I'm going to make dinner, read a novel and write a little in a novel I'm writing. So....see ya!

1 comment:

  1. I hit the some-stores-are-too-old-for-me stage like five years ago. Come on now. Yea BBMAK! I loved their concerts at disneyland. That was sweet. How you liking Moscow?
