Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Trip Home

So I had an exciting trip home. I was scheduled to leave for a direct flight to Orlando on saturday at 4:46. I had confirmed my seat online. However it didn't work for some reason. Annoying. So I went to the gate and they had over sold the flight by six people. They were offering a flight voucher if you took a different flight. So I took it. I left for my flight to Boston at 5:00. I was to stay in Boston over night and then finish on to Orlando on sunday morning. So I flew to Boston first class! Man was that nice! They give you a full dinner. So I had mushroom and sundried tomato pasta, a salad, a roll, and citrus cheesecake. The cheesecake was tasty! There was a lot of room and we got free headphones to watch Kung Fu Panda. However I read Breaking Dawn the whole way. Man am I sad that that series is over. So I got to Boston and had a hotel voucher to stay in Boston. So I hauled myself and luggage to the hotel they had assigned and surprise they were booked. So I headed back to the airport o find another one. They set me up with one and got me a taxi that they paid for it and all. So I got a nice little drive through Boston at one AM. :) Nice city I'd like to go back and tour sometime. Maybe to run the Boston Marathon! Ha! Yeah right. Anyway, so I got to the airport to fly back to Orlando and I was on first class again! It was great! So Steve picked me up at the airport. That was a little weird but then all good once we got going. I honestly don't know what to think of him. I sat by him and his so called "girlfriend" but he talked more to me than her. It was odd. But anyway, classes started today. It was ok. I really want to move to a different school but I don't see that happening so I better suck it up. Right? I already feel better about my health since I've been home. The working out has happened yet but the eating has been ten times better. I have to figure out the schedule to get the workouts in. Once I get classes figured out I can get my runs in. I'm going to train for a triathlon too. So we'll see how it goes. Anyway, that's it. See ya!

1 comment:

  1. Nice! First class sounds fun. What's up with orlando steve's girlfriend? Did he get one while you were gone??
