Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Quotes and maybe a little musing...

Quotes for today...

Me: "I'm an idiot. I'm not sure if you knew this or not."
Landon Brown: "Yeah I did."

Beth Hixson: "Its what kids sniff."
Me: "Cocaine!"

Jetta Hatch:" How many law students does it take to send a bar application?"
There were three of us at almost midnight in Spokane doing that. Yes I am an idiot.

Landon Brown: "Oh its from a lady."
He got a text and just the way he said it was hilarious.

Paul Jeffries: "Aah! Not another scary part!"
He was talking during this scary movie and it was quite entertaining.

Ok there you go. Now onto a quick musing. So I've been a little worried about what I'm going to do once school ends in a few months. I mean I've been wanting to go solo for a while. Or hang my own shingle as they say. But that's a little scary especially after seeing how truly complicated immigration law can be. So yesterday I emailed the immigration attorney in Salt Lake that I had interned for to ask her to do a character reference for me. So she did and then told me she was hiring for a part time person to do N-400 for elderly LPR's. Yeah try to decipher that code! It means citizenship applications for legal permanent residents. She said she would hold of interviewing until I got there in December. How great would that be?! It would be part time and I could study for the bar no problem. So here's hoping something comes of it! Anyway, I have not showered yet today. For those that know me, this is not a surprise. For those that don't know me...pretend you didn't read that. Peace out!

1 comment:

  1. Yea! I made the quote wall two weeks in a row! (And the real answer to my quote is paste, not cocaine...!)
