Sunday, June 8, 2008

Rock Climbing...kind of

I went on a hike yesterday to Donut Falls. I went with my friend Linds and her brother and sister. It was a lot of fun. There was still a lot of snow so it was pretty muddy and you couldn't get way up like you can when the river isn't so high. But Lindsey's mountain goat siblings scaled the wall of snow to the cliffs and over to the hole. Now we all know that I am a wuss! I'm not daring or adventurous at all. However I decided that I was going to do it. Now most people wouldn't think that the cliffs we were going up were a big deal. However for me, being somewhat scared of heights and scared plummeting to my death to the rocks below, thought it was a pretty up hill battle. I considered it rock climbing. So that's what I'm saying it is. On my way up the wall of snow I was kicking my toe into the snow to get a foot hold and my foot went all the way through. It was hollow underneath with jagged rocks! That scared the crap out of me so getting back down was the scariest part of the whole thing. That dang wall of snow. It was beautiful though! The falls and the snow. I loved it. So your probably thinking where are photos? Well there I was climbing the rocks and I felt something fall and I thought I really hope that was a rock. Nope it was my digital camera. There it went into the river. I finally found it stuck between two rocks in the water and I had this kid throw it up to me. So who knows if its going to work. I need to let it dry out for a while. I got some good shots before I tossed it into the water. I'm hoping that the sim card works. If it does I'll upload them. But I've decided that I want to get more into backpacking and hiking. I went to REI and looked at backpacks and I really want one but they are like $200. One day. I also decided that if I'm going to be more adventurous then I either need to buy a cheaper camera or a better way to carry it. So I'll look into that. Anyway, I'm off to watch Arrested Development.

1 comment:

  1. i thought that hike was closed up to the public. I heard it was prvate land and the owners were sick of people getting hurt so they closed it up? that ssucks about your camera.
