Monday, August 31, 2009

A great reminder!

I got a great reminder today so to why I ride my bike school and not drive. So I got up today and went for a run. and wow its been way to long since I did that. More about that on Wednesday. I got home from my run and dinked around for a bit then went and got a shower...yes contrary to popular belief I do shower. I just didn't so much during the summer. As I stated then summer semester was like camping. You only need to shower once a week. Since it is now fall semester I shower more often. Anyway, I got a shower, did my hair and makeup-side note I have made it a goal to actually look presentable one day a week. Today was that day so expect me to look like hell the rest of the week, but atleast you know that I'll have showered. Moving on. I am a little late leaving my house and I get to school and there is no where to park. At all! Now let me preface this next little rant on the fact that I normally like parking in the upper parking lot by the Kibbie Dome because I like the walk. However, today I was really late so I needed a close parking spot. No dice. So I finally find one at the very, very top of the KD parking and walk myself down to the law school. and what the *@#% there are 6 open spaces down there now! Needless to say I was 5 minutes late to class and Hot Dave laughed at me. Nice. I tend to make the greatest impressions on him. For those of you who are not aware. Hot Dave is well hot. 'nough said. But let me share a few examples of my stupidity around him. Example one: first time ever talking to him I trip over a chair. Example two: He sees me in the hall and says "Hi" I answer with "good" make a snorting sound and run off. And example three: I am in the hallway at the law school talking to my friend Christi when he comes around the corner. He waves and then says "hey hows it going?" I answer with "good. yourself?" At that exact moment I realize he is talking on his bluetooth and not talking to me. Awesome. Anyway, back to the purpose of this post. Since the parking was incredibly crappy I shall continue riding my bike to school. I did last week and that trend will continue until the snow comes. Sorry but I'm a wuss when it comes to riding my bike in the snow. I know I haven't written for a while like I said I would but now that I'm in the groove of things with school I shall continue. I believe I said this perviously but these posts won't be long bathroom reads. And once again if you are taking me in the bathroom with you I am really concerned about the nature of our realtionship. Anyway, I'm off! Until tomorrow my followers...until tomorrow.

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