Sunday, March 11, 2012

Always blame law school

I have always said that law school made me stupid. While in law school and now out. I mean it trains you to think a certain way and because of that its shoved common sense out. I can't even tell you how many Ipods I have washed in the clothes washer during my law school career. Well ok actually I can. Two. Two!! That might not seem like a lot but I only attended law school for 2 1/2 years! Not good odds. And every time I'd sit there while the laundry is going and think "I have a feeling something is in the washer that should not be there." Ipod! Now that's not the only thing I have to justify my being dumber during and after law school. Here are a few examples:
#1. One day while going out to my car to go to school my neighbor in Moscow asked if I always wear my skirt on backwards. 
#2. I put foot lotion on my face thinking it was my face lotion.
#3. I drove all the way to Daybreak three days ago "to go home" when I haven't lived there in 8 months. 
And the most recent episode, I was getting ready to go on a run yesterday at about 9:00AM not that early, I'd been up since 7:30 anyway. So there I was putting on my running skirt etc. and I found my socks and shoes put on a sock and one shoe and laced it up and then looked for the other sock. I could not find it anywhere! I looked for almost 10 minutes until I realized it was on my foot the whole time....I'm awesome. And law school made me stupid.

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