Wednesday, September 22, 2010

What Constitutes Someone as a "Runner"?

I was thinking about this question while on my run this afternoon. So what does make someone a runner? Someone who runs 20 miles a week? Someone who runs marathons? Has all the running gadgets? I don't think so. I think a runner is someone who loves the feel of the pavement under their feet. It doesn't matter if you run one minute or one hour. A runner is someone who will get out and hit the road in rain, snow or blistering heat. If you have to walk during your run it doesn't matter you are a runner. So dang it! I'm a runner! I might not look like one but I am. A runner is someone who loves the sport and all they need are some running shoes and open road. I love it! So those of you that think you can't run or you aren't a runner believe me you are and you can do it.

I also wanted to do a confessions of a runner:
#1: I HATE running while I am doing it, yet love it at the end when the endorphins show up.
#2: If I see an attractive guy I will run faster until I pass him.
#3: I don't care how unattractive I look with the belly hanging out and flopping all over at least I'm out there.
#4: I love playing AC/DC and pretending I'm Ironman.
#5: I'm not afraid to use my t-shirt as a tissue during a run.
#6: I only wash my running clothes once a week.
#7: I really want to do this race.

Well all I'm out! Enjoy!

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